Heilongjiang Province Network Security Publicity Week “Telecom Day” activity: Improve users’ ability to identify and prevent fraud and build a strong atmosphere for network security

Heilongjiang Province Network Security Publicity Week “Telecom Day” activity: Improve users’ ability to identify and prevent fraud and build a strong atmosphere for network security

September 08, 2022 09:07:44

Source: People’s Network – Heilongjiang Channel

Author: Shangcheng Zhang Zhexin

People’s Daily Online, Harbin, September 7 (Shang Cheng, Zhang Zhexin)The 2022 Heilongjiang Cybersecurity Publicity Week was launched in Harbin on September 5. September 7 is the “Telecom Day” in the “Six Theme Days” of the Heilongjiang Province Network Security Publicity Week. This event was led by the Heilongjiang Provincial Communications Administration, and organized telecom operators in the province to make full use of online and offline channels such as portal websites, online business offices, and physical business offices to carry out extensive publicity.

The staff reminds new users to pay attention to protecting their personal privacy.Photo by Zhang Zhexin of People’s Daily Online

Wang Yihan, the manager of China Unicom’s Harbin Zhongshan Sales Office, introduced that when users open an account or make a card replacement business, the staff will remind users to pay attention to protecting personal privacy, beware of information leakage, do not lend mobile phone cards, and protect the security of personal information.

In order to further enhance users’ network security awareness and network security prevention skills, China Unicom Harbin Zhongshan Business Hall uses large LED screens and TV screens in the hall to roll out propaganda slogans and “anti-fraud” videos, so that the concept of network security is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Build a strong atmosphere of shared network security.

Guo Wei, Director of the Information Security Department of Harbin Unicom, said that in terms of information security, Harbin Unicom has intercepted 100 spam text messages, fraudulent calls and harassing calls for users this year through the special campaign to prevent and combat communication fraud and the “Break Card 2.0” campaign. more than ten thousand.

During the event, Harbin Unicom Company focused on the theme of “Network security is for the people, network security depends on the people”, by publishing short videos and articles on the official account, it explained the common methods and prevention methods of fraudsters, and reminded the general public to pay attention to identifying frauds with actual cases. means to improve the ability of users to identify and prevent fraud.

The staff introduces the network security protection knowledge to the customer.Photo by Zhang Zhexin of People’s Daily Online

It is understood that on the day of “Telecom Day”, all major business offices in the province have simultaneously carried out network security publicity activities. The staff actively introduced the knowledge of network security protection to customers and distributed publicity materials. At the same time, they explained the latest methods of telecom network fraud. Answer the questions raised by the public about network security.

<!–enpproperty 6400292022-09-08 09:07:44:59尚城 张哲鑫黑龙江省网络安全宣传周“电信日”活动:提高用户识骗防骗能力 共筑网络安全浓厚氛围1209龙江新闻龙江新闻http://www.hljnews.cn/ljxw/pic/2022-09/08/t1_8X6X598X338_e92c429d-85c9-4091-abd9-e6d4c0b4a9bd.pnghttp://www.hljnews.cn/ljxw/pic/2022-09/08/t1_8X6X598X338_e92c429d-85c9-4091-abd9-e6d4c0b4a9bd.pnghttp://www.hljnews.cn/ljxw/content/2022-09/08/content_640029.htmlhttp://m.hljnews.cn/ljxw/content/2022-09/08/content_640029.html人民网-黑龙江频道2022年黑龙江省网络安全宣传周活动于9月5日在哈尔滨市启动。9月7日,是黑龙江省网络安全宣传周活动“六大主题日”中的“电信日”。1/enpproperty–>

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