Heightened Vigilance at Het Molentje Primary School: Pork Tapeworm Infection in Flanders Raises Concerns

2023-09-02 08:08:00

At Het Molentje primary school in Lier, Flanders, heightened vigilance is in order after three pupils aged eight, nine and 10 were infected with the pork tapeworm in June 2023, shortly before the end of the school year. The children presented symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, seizures, and one of them even had a tapeworm larva lodged in his brain, diagnosed through an MRI. Fortunately, all three children were successfully treated, but due to the contagious and dangerous nature of the tapeworm, the school maintains a high degree of caution.

The director of the establishment, Griet Roussau, immediately informed the parents and the medical staff in the region. Examinations were carried out on all school staff, but no other infections were detected. The origin of the infection remains unclear, although it is likely that it occurred a year and a half to three years ago, without it being known who introduced it.

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The pork tapeworm has not been common in the West since the 1960s, it is mainly present in South America, sub-Sahelian Africa and Southeast Asia. An investigation is underway to determine the host of the infection, with a questionnaire sent to parents of students about their travels to areas where the pork tapeworm is present and their eating habits.

However, the Ministry of Health wishes to reassure parents that there is no reason to panic, as the pork tapeworm is not currently present in Belgium and the three infected children are no longer contagious. Infections could go back years and only cause problems now.

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