Heightened Security Measures: Brazilian Authorities Stand Guard at Argentine Embassy in Venezuela

  • Pedro Urruchurtu, leader of Vente Venezuela who is sheltered in the diplomatic headquarters, shared videos of the presence of security forces in the area | Photo: Screenshot of @omargonzalez6

Political leaders from María Corina Machado‘s team who are seeking asylum in the Argentine Embassy in Caracas have denounced that the siege against the consular headquarters, which is under Brazilian protection following the expulsion of the diplomatic mission of the southern country, continues.

Magalli Meda, head of the presidential campaign for María Corina Machado’s command, reported that at 6:30 am on Saturday, September 7, members of the Directorate of Strategic and Tactical Actions (DAET) of the Bolivarian National Police (PNB) and the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (Sebin), along with “hooded and armed officials, surrounded the residence.

The Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD) rejected the irregular situation and held the government of Nicolás Maduro responsible for the intimidating actions towards the asylum seekers.

“We reject the irregular situation that is occurring outside the Argentine Embassy in Venezuela. There are members of the Con Venezuela commando that have been persecuted by Nicolás Maduro,” the coalition said on the social network X.

US Senator Rick Scott has alerted the international community to the situation at the Argentine diplomatic mission.

“Failure to ensure their protection would be a serious violation of international diplomatic agreements and would exacerbate already volatile conditions in the region. The international community must respond immediately,” Scott wrote in X.

He also asked Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to take immediate action.

The asylum seekers

In addition to Magalli Meda, there are Pedro Urruchurtu, International Coordinator of Vente Venezuela (VV), Claudia Macero, Communications Coordinator of VV; Omar González, former deputy; Humberto Villalobos, electoral coordinator of the VV Campaign Command, and former minister Fernando Martínez Mottola, advisor to the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), the main opposition bloc.

The six opposition members sought refuge after the Prosecutor’s Office accused them of various crimes, including conspiracy and treason, among others.

At the end of July, this group of opponents denounced that “regime security officials” were outside the place and were seeking to “take over this diplomatic headquarters,” which they described as a “serious violation of international law.”

Brazil’s position

Since August, Brazil takes care of custody of the diplomatic headquarters of Peru and Argentina in Venezuela, as well as the representation of their interests and citizens in the Caribbean country, following the expulsion of members of both legations.

Precisely this Friday, September 6, the Brazilian president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, reiterated no recognizes the result of the presidential elections in Venezuela and insisted that his counterpart Nicolás Maduro must prove that he won the elections, which took place on July 28 and were denounced as fraudulent by the opposition.

Photo: EFE

“I think Maduro’s behavior is disappointing. In Brazil, democracy was learned with much suffering, but when people are extremists, they don’t accept it. I think Maduro, as president, should prove that he was the favorite of the Venezuelan people, but he doesn’t do it,” Lula said in an interview with the Brazilian radio station. Radio Diffuser on September 6th.

In addition to Peru and Argentina, Nicolás Maduro’s government also demanded that Chile, Costa Rica, Panama, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay “immediately” withdraw their representatives, in rejection of their “interventionist” statements regarding the July 28 presidential elections, in which the Chavista was proclaimed the winner, which is questioned by a large part of the international community.

Brazil also took custody of the six refugee opposition members.

With information from EFE

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#reported #police #presence #Argentine #Embassy #Venezuela #Brazilian #protection
2024-09-07 19:38:42

What are ‍the reasons behind Venezuelan ‍opposition ⁢leaders seeking asylum⁤ in the Argentine Embassy amid the ongoing siege? ⁤

Venezuelan Opposition ⁢Leaders ‍Seek Asylum in​ Argentine Embassy Amid⁢ Ongoing Siege

The​ Venezuelan opposition is facing a critical situation ‍as its leaders, including María Corina Machado’s team, seek asylum in ‌the Argentine Embassy in Caracas. The embassy, which is under Brazilian protection, has been subject to a ⁣prolonged siege ⁣by Venezuelan security forces.‍ The situation has sparked international concern, with⁣ US Senator Rick Scott ‍calling ⁣for immediate‌ action⁣ to ensure the protection of‌ the asylum⁣ seekers.

The Siege​ Continues

On Saturday, September 7, Magalli Meda, head of​ the presidential ⁣campaign for María⁢ Corina ‌Machado’s command, reported that members of the Directorate of Strategic​ and ⁢Tactical ‍Actions (DAET) of the Bolivarian National Police ‌(PNB) and ⁤the‌ Bolivarian Intelligence Service (Sebin) ⁤surrounded the‌ embassy, along‍ with “hooded and armed officials.” The Democratic ‌Unitary Platform (PUD) has rejected the irregular situation and held the⁣ government of Nicolás Maduro responsible for​ the intimidating actions towards the asylum ‌seekers.

Asylum Seekers

The six opposition members,⁢ including Magalli​ Meda, Pedro Urruchurtu,⁣ Claudia Macero,⁤ Omar González, Humberto Villalobos, and Fernando⁣ Martínez Mottola, sought refuge in ‍the embassy‍ after the Prosecutor’s Office accused them of various crimes,⁤ including conspiracy and treason.⁤ They have been sheltered‌ in the diplomatic headquarters since ⁢the end of July, when they denounced that “regime security officials” were⁣ seeking ⁣to “take⁤ over this diplomatic headquarters,” which they described as a “serious‍ violation of ⁤international law.”

Brazil’s Position

Since August, Brazil has taken care of the custody of the diplomatic headquarters, following the expulsion of the ‍Argentine diplomatic mission. However, on Saturday, Venezuela revoked Brazil’s custody of the diplomatic mission, putting at⁢ risk the safety of⁣ the asylum seekers [[2]][[3]]. This move has raised concerns about ​the ability of Brazil to continue protecting ‌the embassy and the​ individuals seeking asylum.

International Reaction

US Senator Rick Scott has alerted the international community to ⁣the situation, stating​ that “failure to ensure their protection⁤ would be a serious ‌violation of international diplomatic agreements and would⁢ exacerbate already ⁣volatile conditions in⁤ the region.” He has also called on Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to take ​immediate action⁢ to ensure the protection of⁤ the asylum seekers.

Argentina’s Involvement

Argentina has been involved in the situation, with aides to Venezuelan ⁤opposition leader María⁣ Corina ⁢Machado requesting asylum at the Argentine embassy in Caracas in March⁣ [[1]]. The country has‌ since increased​ pressure on Venezuela over its treatment of opposition leaders, ​including ‌those‌ seeking asylum ⁢in the ⁢embassy.

As the ⁢situation continues to unfold, the international community ​is watching closely to ensure the safety​ and protection of the asylum seekers in ‍the Argentine Embassy in Caracas.

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Venezuelan Opposition Leaders Seek Asylum in Argentine Embassy Amid Ongoing Siege

The Venezuelan opposition leaders, including Magalli Meda, Pedro Urruchurtu, Claudia Macero, Omar González, Humberto Villalobos, and Fernando Martínez Mottola, have sought refuge in the Argentine Embassy in Caracas after being accused of various crimes, including conspiracy and treason, by the Prosecutor’s Office. The leaders, who are part of the Democratic Unitary Platform (PUD), the main opposition bloc, have denounced the irregular situation and held the government of Nicolás Maduro responsible for the intimidating actions towards the asylum seekers.

The Situation at the Argentine Embassy

According to reports, the Venezuelan security forces, including the Directorate of Strategic and Tactical Actions (DAET) of the Bolivarian National Police (PNB) and the Bolivarian Intelligence Service (Se



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