Heavy rainfall occurred in Huanghuai and other places in North China, and hot weather continued in Jianghan and other places in the Sichuan Basin – China News Service

2024-08-25 01:13:03

  chinanews.comAugust 25th According to the website of the Central Meteorological Observatory, heavy rainfall occurred in some areas of Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia and other places yesterday, and high temperatures occurred in the Sichuan Basin, Jiangnan, Jianghuai and other places. It is expected that in the next three days, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Hebei, Tianjin, Shandong and other places will have the risk of heavy rain disasters to prevent secondary disasters from heavy rains and severe convective weather hazards; Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Hunan and other places will have Sustained high temperature weather, pay attention to the impact on energy supply and human health. Pay attention to the impact of strong windy weather in the Bohai Sea on the 26th on ship navigation.

  Heavy rainfall occurred in some areas of Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia and other places

From 8:00 yesterday to 6:00 today, there were heavy to heavy rains in central Gansu, northern Ningxia, Ordos and Wuhai in Inner Mongolia, Shizuishan, Yinchuan and Wuzhong in Ningxia, and local heavy rains (100-198 mm) in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, with a maximum hourly rainfall of 40-78.5 mm. ). Eastern Inner Mongolia, western Heilongjiang, western Liaoning, western Beijing, southwestern Hebei, northeastern Shanxi, central Henan, northern Jiangsu, southern Shaanxi, northwest and southeastern Hubei, central and southern Fujian, eastern and southwest Guangdong, western Guangxi, Yunnan Heavy rain or rainstorms occurred in the south and eastern Hainan Island, and local heavy rains (100-107 mm) occurred in Longyan, Fujian. The maximum hourly rainfall in some of the above-mentioned areas was 40-80 mm. Local thunderstorms of magnitude 8 to 10 and local magnitude 11 or above occurred in southeastern and northwest Inner Mongolia, western Gansu, northern Ningxia, northern and southern Shaanxi, eastern and western Hubei, northwest Fujian, northeastern Chongqing, and northern Guangdong. Strong wind.

  High temperatures occurred in Jiangnan, Jianghuai and other places in the Sichuan Basin

High temperature weather of 35 to 39°C occurred in parts of the Sichuan Basin, southern Shaanxi, Jianghan, central and northern Jiangnan, Jianghuai, and central and eastern Huanghuai, and 40 to 42.4°C occurred in Luzhou, Sichuan, Wanzhou, Chongqing, Yichang, Hubei, and Zhangjiajie, Hunan.

  Heavy rainfall occurred in Huanghuai and other places in North China

From the 25th to the 27th, there were heavy to heavy rains in the eastern part of Northwest China, central Inner Mongolia, central and southern North China, and eastern Huanghuai. In some areas, there were heavy rains, accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation or thunderstorms and windy weather.

It is expected that from 08:00 on August 25 to 08:00 on August 26, there will be heavy to heavy rains in parts of the Hetao area of ​​Inner Mongolia, southern Ningxia, eastern Gansu, northern Shaanxi, most of Shanxi, central and southern Hebei, western Shandong, and northern Henan. Among them, there are heavy rainstorms (100-150 mm) in some areas such as central and southern Hebei, and some of the above-mentioned areas are accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation (maximum hourly rainfall of 20-50 mm, and locally it can exceed 70 mm). In addition, some areas in western and central and southern parts of North China will have thunderstorms, strong winds or hail of level 8 or above. The Central Meteorological Observatory will continue to issue blue warnings for heavy rain and blue warnings for severe convective weather at 06:00 on August 25.

Forecast map of heavy rainfall areas across the country (08:00 on August 25 – 08:00 on August 26)

National thunderstorm, strong wind or hail forecast map (08:00 on August 25th – 08:00 on August 26th)

  High temperature weather continues in Jianghan and other places in the Sichuan Basin

In the next three days, there will be high temperature weather in the Sichuan Basin, Jianghan, central and southern Shaanxi, Jianghuai, most of Jiangnan, and the southern Xinjiang Basin. The daily maximum temperature will generally be 35 to 39°C, and local high temperatures can reach 40 to 42°C.

It is expected that during the day on August 25, the southern Xinjiang Basin, central and southern Shaanxi, southern Shandong, eastern and southern Henan, Anhui, most of Jiangsu, Shanghai, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, northern Fujian, Sichuan Basin, Chongqing, and northern Guizhou , eastern Guangxi, central and western Guangdong and other places have high temperatures above 35°C, including the Turpan Basin in Xinjiang, southern Shaanxi, central and southern Anhui, most of Hubei, central and northern Hunan, northeastern Jiangxi, central Zhejiang, and central and eastern Sichuan Basin The highest temperature in some areas such as , most of Chongqing and other places is 37~39℃, and it can reach above 40℃ in some places. The Central Meteorological Observatory will continue to issue high-temperature orange alerts at 06:00 on August 25.

National high temperature fall zone forecast map (08:00-20:00, August 25)

  Domestic detailed forecast for the next three days

From 08:00 on August 25 to 08:00 on August 26, there will be moderate to heavy rain in parts of western Inner Mongolia, northern Heilongjiang, northeastern Northwest China, most of North China, eastern and western Huanghuai and other places. Among them, eastern Gansu, southern Ningxia, and Shanxi There will be heavy rain or heavy rain (100-180 mm) in some areas in central and northern Hebei, central and southern Hebei, and northern Shandong. There are winds of magnitude 4 to 6 in some areas in northeastern Inner Mongolia, Gansu and Hexi.

National precipitation forecast map (08:00 on August 25th – 08:00 on August 26th)

From 08:00 on August 26 to 08:00 on August 27, there were moderate to heavy rains in parts of eastern North China, eastern Huanghuai, and eastern Jianghuai. Among them, there were heavy rains in parts of central and southern Hebei, central and northern Shandong, and northern Jiangsu. Or heavy rain (100~120 mm). There are winds of level 4 to 6 in some areas in Hexi, Gansu and central Shanxi. There will be strong winds of magnitude 6 to 8 and gusts of magnitude 9 in the Bohai Sea, Bohai Strait, western Yellow Sea, northeastern East China Sea, and southwestern South China Sea. Winds in some parts of the southern Bohai Sea can reach magnitude 9 to 10 and gusts of magnitude 11.

National precipitation forecast map (08:00 on August 26 – 08:00 on August 27)

From 08:00 on August 27 to 08:00 on August 28, northeastern Inner Mongolia, southern Xinjiang, most of Tibet, central northwest region, eastern Jianghuai, western Jianghan, southern and northeastern Jiangnan, northeastern Chongqing, central and western Yunnan, Taiwan Island, etc. There was light rain in some areas, including moderate rain (10-15 mm) in parts of the southern Xinjiang Basin, northern Tibet, central Jiangsu, most of Shanghai, western Hubei, northern Zhejiang, and southwestern Yunnan. There are winds of level 5 to 6 in some areas of central Shandong. There will be strong winds of magnitude 6 to 8 and gusts of magnitude 9 in the Bohai Sea, the Bohai Strait, the western waters of the Yellow Sea, the northeastern waters of the East China Sea, and the southwestern waters of the South China Sea.

National precipitation forecast map (08:00 on August 27th – 08:00 on August 28th)

#Heavy #rainfall #occurred #Huanghuai #places #North #China #hot #weather #continued #Jianghan #places #Sichuan #Basin #China #News #Service



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