Heavy fines are coming for misleading discounts

According to information from “ET”, within the next few days it is expected that fines of hundreds of thousands of euros will be announced by the Ministry of Development on businesses that were found to be deceiving consumers with misleading discounts.


However, administrative sanctions will also be imposed on banks and debt collection companies for practices related to either continuous harassment of borrowers, despite the fact that they normally fulfill their obligations, or unjustified delays in their requests or even offensive behavior towards debtors when informing them about the existence of an overdue debt.

In the meantime, multinational companies are also in the sights of the auditing authorities, where thorough checks are currently being carried out in order to establish whether they comply with the provisions on the ceiling on the profit margin, especially after the high fines imposed on giant companies for profiteering.

School supplies

At the same time, checks on school supplies also begin immediately, which also fall under the provision for the ceiling on the profit margin, which must not exceed what businesses had in December 2021.

In addition, 100 basic food and daily use products are under the microscope of the control authorities with the aim of containing prices. DIMEA will monitor daily the invoices that supermarket chains buy these items from suppliers, as well as the prices they sell them.

It is recalled that an amendment tabled by the Minister of Development, Takis Theodorikakos, at the beginning of July, provided for a tightening of the penalties for businesses that make a profit and violate the legislative framework for promotional actions in supermarkets. Thus, the maximum fine for violating the ceiling on the gross profit margin was increased from 1 to 5 million euros, while for companies that increase the prices of products and then make them available for sale, while prohibited by law, the monetary penalty tripled from 2 to 6 million euros.

#Heavy #fines #coming #misleading #discounts



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