Supervisor Tian Qiujin and Cai Chongyi said today that the palm oil content in processed foods is high, and the heating process will produce GEs, which may become carcinogens when entering the human body. ); the Ministry of Health and Welfare originally planned to announce the GEs limit standard, but held an industry alliance briefing session, the procedure was not open and transparent, and it should be reviewed and improved.

Supervisory Commissioners Tian Qiujin and Cai Chongyi pointed out in a press release that in past investigations, it was found that the content of palm oil in chocolate and other processed foods is quite high, because “glycidyl fatty acid esters” (glycidyl fatty acid esters) are produced during the heating and deodorization of palm oil. Referred to as GEs), it will produce carcinogens following entering the human body.
The supervisory committee stated that the Ministry of Health and Welfare originally planned to set the GEs limit standard in October 2018, but the Food and Drug Administration held an industry alliance briefing on January 14, 2010. After communicating and discussing with the industry, the pre-announcement procedure was delayed.
The Supervisory Committee’s investigation found that there were no consumer representatives involved in the meeting, and the opinions of different stakeholders were not considered comprehensively, which violated the intention of a risk communication mechanism for food risk control. Not transparent. The Social Welfare and Sanitation and Environment Committee of the Control Yuan recently reviewed and approved the investigation report submitted by Tian Qiujin and Cai Chongyi, requesting the Ministry of Health and Welfare to review and improve.
An investigation by the Supervisory Committee found that almost all processed foods on the market contain palm oil, especially instant noodles, baked goods and snack biscuits, etc. More than 90% of them use palm oil; French fries, hamburgers and other products sold in fast food restaurants also use palm oil. Palm oil is widely present in food, so it is necessary to set the limit of GEs in food, which is related to people’s health.
The Supervisory Committee stated that in order to achieve food safety, there should be various institutional requirements. For example, the decision-making process must be open and transparent; the participants in the decision-making process, in addition to the industry, various stakeholders, such as experts and representatives of consumer groups, must also work together. participate.
The Supervisory Committee pointed out that the Food and Drug Administration did not set the GEs limit standards for the time being because of the industry’s proposal, resulting in a one-year delay in the food safety guarantee of GEs for adults and infants. The decision-making process of the meeting was not transparent enough, and there was no participation of representatives of consumer groups, which violated the intention of a risk communication mechanism for food risk control, and the Ministry of Health and Welfare should review and improve it.
The Supervisory Committee stated that the limit standard for adult GEs in edible oils and fats was finally announced on January 26 this year and will be implemented from January 1, 2011; In Taiwan, the Food and Drug Administration should strengthen tracking and publicity, take relevant supporting management measures, and guide the industry in secondary refining and other processing operations, reduce the content of GEs, and ensure food safety for the public.