Heating Oil Assistance: Availability and Income Guidelines for Eligibility

Today, October 13, the sale of heating oil begins and the gas stations will be supplied. Tomorrow, Saturday 14/10, home distribution will begin.

Of course, the concern remains as to whether the price of heating oil will be affected by the developments in the Middle East. Clashes in Israel bring fresh fears of a supply cut, which will mean a further rise in prices.

In particular, the heating allowance will range from 100 euros to 800 euros, but with improved criteria for families who can see an increase in the income limit of up to 2,000 euros per child.

This year, the double bonus will not be given to those who abandoned natural gas last year due to the energy crisis.

Criteria and income limits

The income limit for a single person is kept at 16,000 euros. For those who are married or have entered into a cohabitation agreement without dependent children, the limit remains at 24,000 euros. Also, for each single-parent family, the basic limit without the increase due to a child or children is set again at 27,000 euros.

The increase in the limits for each dependent child increases from 3,000 to 5,000 euros.

The total income limits for families will be as follows:

from 27,000 to 29,000 euros for each family with two parents and one child

from 30,000 to 34,000 euros for each family with two parents and two children

from 33,000 to 39,000 euros for each family with two parents and three children

from 36,000 to 44,000 euros for each family with two parents and four children

from 30,000 to 32,000 euros for each family with one parent and one child

from 33,000 to 37,000 euros for each family with one parent and two children

from 36,000 to 42,000 euros for each family with one parent and three children

from 39,000 to 47,000 euros for each family with one parent and four children

The property criteria for unmarried beneficiaries is 200,000 euros. For married couples, it is 300,000 euros. The subsidized fuels are heating oil, natural gas, LPG, firewood and pellets.

#Heating #oil #availability #begins #income #criteria #allowance

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA)​ questions related to the title **”Heating Oil Prices and ⁤Allowances: What You Need to Know”**:

Heating Oil Prices and Allowances: What You Need to Know

As the sale of heating oil begins on October 13 and home distribution ⁤starts on October 14, ⁣many are concerned ⁣about the impact of Middle East developments on the price of heating oil.​ Clashes in Israel have raised fears of a supply cut, ⁤which ⁣could lead⁣ to a further rise in prices.

Current Heating ‍Oil ⁣Prices

According to ⁢MacroTrends, ‌the current price of heating oil as of September 03,‌ 2024, is $2.03 per gallon [[1]]. This ⁢price is ‍subject to change based on market ⁤conditions and global events.

Heating Allowance Criteria and‌ Income Limits

The heating allowance this year will ​range from 100 euros to 800​ euros, with improved ⁢criteria for ‌families⁢ who can see an increase in the income limit of up to 2,000 euros per child. The income limits for different family types are as follows:

Single⁤ person: 16,000 euros

Married ⁣or cohabiting couples without dependent‌ children: ⁤24,000 euros

⁣Single-parent families: 27,000 euros (basic limit without increase ‌due to children)

The increase in limits for⁣ each dependent child has been raised ‌from 3,000 ​to 5,000 euros. The total income limits for families are:

27,000⁣ to 29,000 ⁤euros for families with ⁤two parents and one child

30,000 to ⁣34,000 ‌euros for families with two parents⁤ and two children

33,000 to 39,000 euros for families with two parents and three children

* 36,000 to 44,000 ⁣euros for families‍ with two parents and four or ⁣more⁤ children

No Double Bonus ⁢for Those Who Abandoned Natural ‌Gas

This year, the double bonus will not be given to those who abandoned natural gas last year due to the energy crisis.

Heating Oil ⁢Futures Price

For those interested in the futures ​market, the current heating oil futures price can be found on Investing.com [[3]]. ‍This platform ​provides live prices, key market metrics, trading details, and intricate heating oil futures contract specifications.

U.S. ⁢Weekly Heating⁢ Oil and Propane Prices

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) collects data on heating oil and propane prices on the ⁣second Monday ‍of each⁤ month from April to September [[2]]. During this period, no‌ monthly​ averages are available.

As ⁣the heating season approaches, ⁢it’s essential to stay ​informed about heating‌ oil ​prices and allowances. By understanding the ⁣current market conditions and income limits, individuals ⁣and ‍families⁣ can better plan ​for the upcoming winter season.

Optimized Keywords: heating oil prices, heating allowance, ‌income limits, Middle East developments, ‍supply cut, heating oil futures price, U.S. ​weekly heating oil and propane prices.

– What factors can influence heating oil prices in the coming months?

Heating Oil Prices and Allowances: What You Need to Know

As the sale of heating oil begins on October 13 and home distribution starts on October 14, many are concerned about the impact of Middle East developments on the price of heating oil. Clashes in Israel have raised fears of a supply cut, which could lead to a further rise in prices.

Current Heating Oil Prices

According to MacroTrends, the current price of heating oil as of September 03, 2024, is $2.03 per gallon [[1]]. This price is subject to change based on market conditions and global events. Heating oil futures in the US have been climbing towards $2.20 per gallon, recovering from the December 2021 low of $2.15 reached on September 4th [[2]].

Heating Allowance Criteria and Income Limits

The heating allowance this year will range from 100 euros to 800 euros, with improved criteria for families who can see an increase in the income limit of up to 2,000 euros per child. The income limits for different family types are as follows:

Single person: 16,000 euros

Married or cohabiting couples without dependent children: 24,000 euros

Single-parent families: 27,000 euros (basic limit without increase due to children)

The increase in limits for each dependent child has been raised from 3,000 to 5,000 euros. The total income limits for families are:

27,000 to 29,000 euros for families with two parents and one child

30,000 to 34,000 euros for families with two parents and two children

33,000 to 39,000 euros for families with two parents and three children

36,000 to 44,000 euros for families with two parents and four or more children

30,000 to 32,000 euros for families with one parent and one child

* 33,000 to 37,000 euros for families with one parent and two



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