Heating allowance: The tables with the amounts for all of Greece – Who is entitled to it

For most beneficiaries the amounts will range from 100 to 800 euros. Especially in areas of the country where the climatic conditions are unfavorable and there is severe cold in winter, the allowance will be increased by 25% and its upper limit will reach 1,000 euros. In more detail, for the period 2024-2025 the following will apply to the heating allowance:

1) The heating allowance will be granted from next December to natural persons, who for their heating consume heating oil or lighting oil (blue kerosene) or natural gas or LPG or firewood or biomass (pellets) or thermal energy through district heating and meet the prescribed income and asset criteria. The allowance will be granted to the above-mentioned natural persons for the properties they use as their main residence at the time of submitting the application, whether they are leased or freely granted or owner-occupied. Especially for the granting of a heating subsidy to consumers of firewood and biomass (pellets), an additional condition is set that the property is located in a settlement with a population equal to or below 10,000 inhabitants and that the corresponding subsidy coefficient is equal to or greater than 0.8. Especially for the granting of a heating allowance to consumers of thermal energy through district heating, it will be an additional condition that the property is located in one of the municipalities of Serres, Eordaia, Kozani, Amyntaio or Megalopolis.

2) The minimum amount of the allowance remains at 100 euros. The maximum limit is 800 euros in most regions of the country.

3) The basis for calculating the heating allowance will again be set at 350 euros for all beneficiaries. According to the heating allowance calculation system, which is already in effect from the winter season 2020-2021, the amount of the calculation base will be multiplied by a subsidy factor, called the “degree day factor” and scaled from 0.12 to 1.62, depending with the cold that prevails in each region of the country, in order to determine the amount of allowance to which each interested party is entitled. In addition, the amount of the allowance, as determined after multiplying the calculation base by the subsidy factor, will be increased for each dependent child of the beneficiary by 20%. For those beneficiaries who live in areas where the climatic conditions are characterized by extreme cold in winter and the subsidy factor is equal to or greater than 1, the subsidy amounts will be further increased by 25%, with the maximum amount (the maximum limit) to reach up to 1,000 euros (instead of 800 euros).

The following examples are indicative for families with two children:
* In the center of Athens (with a degree-day factor of 0.43), the allowance will be 211 euros.
* In the center of Thessaloniki (with a degree day factor of 0.71), the allowance will amount to 348 euros.
* In Kozani (with a degree-day factor of 1.12), the allowance will be 686 euros.

4) The annual income limits up to which the right to collect the allowance will be recognized are as follows:

a) The income limit for a single person is 16,000 euros. For married people or those who entered into a cohabitation agreement, without dependent children, the limit reaches 24,000 euros in total. Also, for each single-parent family, the basic limit without the increase due to a child or children is 27,000 euros.

b) The limit increase for each dependent child amounts to 5,000 euros.

Thus, the total income limits for families are formed as follows:

– 29,000 euros for each family with two parents and one child,

– 34,000 euros for each family with two parents and two children,

– 39,000 euros for each family with two parents and three children,

– 44,000 euros for each family with two parents and four children,

– 32,000 euros for each family with one parent and one child,

– 37,000 euros for each family with one parent and two children,

– 42,000 euros for each family with one parent and three children,

– 47,000 euros for each family with one parent and four children.

5) The objective value limit of immovable property for unmarried beneficiaries amounts to 200,000 euros. For married couples, the objective value limit is 300,000 euros.

6) In order to collect the allowance, those interested should submit their applications electronically by the beginning of December 2024 in the myHeating application, which will be launched in October or November, on the AADE website (aade.gr).

1,15 – 1,20€ the liter available from today

From 1.15 to 1.20 euros per liter, the price of heating oil, the availability of which started yesterday, Tuesday, October 15, 2024, is expected. This range applies to the whole country, with the competent analysts estimating that in In Attica, the fuel in question will be sold for approximately 1.16-1.17 euros per liter, while its price will be close to 1.20 euros per liter in more remote areas of the country (e.g. the islands).

And this, while last year the average price, on 13/10/2023, when its availability began, was 1.36 euros/liter in Attica, while 1.39 euros/liter was the average nationwide. And at the end of the season, specifically on April 30, 2024, when the distribution of heating oil was completed, its average price was 1.31 euros for Attica and 1.33 euros for the pan-Hellenic average.

The picture that market players have is that there has been no destocking, on the consumer side, since last season. That is why they estimate that there may be some small orders, already, from the first days of the availability of heating oil, due to the lower prices compared to last year, but also due to the geopolitical disturbances in the Middle East. The orders depend on the capacity of each household and how much they are pressured by other obligations they have to meet (eg supermarket, rent, tutoring, bills, etc.).

BELUCHI 350 1,62 709 851 992 1000
Wiggle 350 1,61 704 845 986 1000
LOWER VERMIO 350 1,59 696 835 974 1000
WELLS 350 1,59 696 835 974 1000
SKIN 350 1,54 674 809 943 1000
ANO SELI 350 1,52 665 798 931 1000
LINE 350 1,51 661 793 925 1000
Nymphaeon 350 1,51 661 793 925 1000
AETOMILITSA 350 1,48 648 777 907 1000
SAMARINA 350 1,48 648 777 907 1000
PERTULI 350 1,36 595 714 833 952
CRYSTALLOPIGI 350 1,35 591 709 827 945
KALLIPEFUKI 350 1,31 573 688 802 917
FISHING 350 1,24 543 651 760 868
MARGARET 350 1,22 534 641 747 854
METSOVO 350 1,22 534 641 747 854
GORGOPOTAMOS 350 1,21 529 635 741 847
FLORINA 350 1,18 516 620 723 826
SATIST 350 1,14 499 599 698 798
UPPER TRIKALA 350 1,13 494 593 692 791
VEHI 350 1,12 490 588 686 784
KOZANI 350 1,12 490 588 686 784
DESKATI 350 1,11 486 583 680 777
KORYSCHADES 350 1,11 486 583 680 777
HINOS 350 1,09 477 572 668 763
ZARAUCHLA 350 1,09 477 572 668 763
BOGATSICO 350 1,08 473 567 662 756
CARPENISI 350 1,08 473 567 662 756
DOWN NEURO COPY 350 1,08 473 567 662 756
ARNISSA 350 1,07 468 562 655 749
MYTIKAS 350 1,07 468 562 655 749
TYMPRISTOS 350 1,07 468 562 655 749
HORTIATIS 350 1,06 464 557 649 742
DEFENSE 350 1,05 459 551 643 735
POLYGROUND 350 1,05 459 551 643 735
PARROT 350 1,03 451 541 631 721
VALTETSI 350 1,02 446 536 625 714
ANAVRA 350 1,01 442 530 619 707
ANO DOLIANA 350 1,01 442 530 619 707
ANO POROIA OF SERRON 350 1,01 442 530 619 707
VITINA 350 1,01 442 530 619 707
ARACHOVA 350 0,99 347 416 485 554
BATOLAKKOS GREVENON 350 0,98 343 412 480 549
HERE 350 0,97 340 407 475 543
BRYNAINA 350 0,96 336 403 470 538
FIVE WELLS 350 0,96 336 403 470 538
ANO ZACHLOROU 350 0,95 333 399 466 532
UPPER ARM 350 0,95 333 399 466 532
ZAGORA 350 0,94 329 395 461 526
SOUFLI 350 0,94 329 395 461 526

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