Heat wave: what are the risks for the tires of a vehicle exposed to high temperatures?

With the high temperatures hitting France, it is necessary to pay attention to the tires of your vehicle to avoid any risk of accident.

Driving in the heat is never pleasant. The cabin is stuffy, the steering wheel is hot…

The vehicle also suffered from the harmful effects of the heat wave and high temperatures. But one important point is to watch out for: the tyres.

Because a high temperature already affects the tires of the parked vehicle, but they are also in direct contact with the hot asphalt when the car is moving.

And the temperature of a road can quickly reach 50°C, as reported AutoPlus. This necessarily has an impact on the rubber, which is inevitably overheated.

The results

When the tire is hot, the pression can significantly decrease. Driving with under-inflated tires is dangerous.

First, it increases the fuel consumption. But incorrect tire pressure can lead to problems with braking.

And above all, this results in a significant risk of puncture of the tire or even of its explosion and therefore a accident risk.

What to do ?

It is therefore essential to check the condition of the tires before getting behind the wheel. For that, it is enough to look at the general state.

This requires inspecting the wear indicators on the tire which are small blocks that are 1.6 mm thick. The law prescribes a minimum tire depth of 1,6 mm.

Knowing that a new tire has a depth of approximately 9 mmit is still preferable to drive with tires of 3 to 4 mm thick.

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If necessary, it will be necessary to change its tires, and not only one but the two front ones and/or the two rear ones for a question of balancing.

It is also possible to opt for a choice of tire with a more resistant rubber when changing tyres.

It is then advisable to inflate your tires quite frequently in the summer, but be careful, it’s not about overinflating them either. And you have to do it when the tires are cold so without having traveled too many kilometres.

Some will prefer thenitrogen with compressed air for inflation because the gas is more stable and therefore the pressure lasts longer.

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