Heat wave: our RTLINFO journalist found the coolest place in the country with barely 10 degrees this morning

Our country is once more affected by a heat wave, but there are still places where it is cool. The coast is the only part of the country which is not on heat alert, but not only: in the province of Liège, on the border with Germany, the thermometer does not take off. Vincent Jamoulle, RTL INFO journalist, was able to realize this this morning at Lake Bütgenbach

“It’s a pretty weird feeling to put on a jacket or a big sweater”, he explained. And indeed, early this morning, when he arrived at the edge of the lake, it was hardly more than 10 degrees. And if it’s so cool there, it’s because the region is in a valley. To have freshness when there is an anticyclone, the conditions of the moment, that’s what you have to do: find the bottom of the valley, where the cold accumulates. All the people our reporter met this morning were wearing a sweater, jacket, or “a big sleeping bag for those who sleep in a tent”.

Of course, when the sun rises, the temperatures climb very quickly and at the hottest of the day, in Bütgenbach, the thermometer will reach 27 degrees, a difference of more than 15 degrees with the temperature at daybreak.



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