Heat wave in Korea – Medical situation for 500 Austrian participants under control

2023-08-05 10:18:36

An unexpected heat wave presents the organizers with major challenges. The medical care of the Austrian contingent is guaranteed.

dr Prior: “We regularly remind our participants to drink and to seek shade. The medical situation is currently manageable. The main complaints we observe, in addition to the usual camp injuries, are heat rashes and light sunburns.

dr Lisa Prior, contingent leader, contingent doctor and PPÖ Vice President

On August 1st, the 25th World Scout Jamboree started in SaeManGeum/South Korea with around 43,300 young people and adult volunteers from 158 countries.

dr Prior: “We regularly remind our participants to drink and to seek shade. The medical situation is currently manageable. In addition to the usual camp injuries, the main complaints we observe are somewhat more heat rashes and light sunburns.”

In constant contact with the supervisors of the young people, a predominantly positive image is conveyed: The participants have good experiences and want to continue the camp. They enjoy the international encounters and have already made a large number of contacts with other scouts.

You can find all the details at and

Questions & contact:

Markus Hoeckner
Federal manager of the PPÖ
+43 (1) 523 31 95 – 12

#Heat #wave #Korea #Medical #situation #Austrian #participants #control

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