Heat in Chelyabinsk! Salavat Yulaev came back from 0:2 and beat Traktor: News

Salavat made a comeback in Chelyabinsk from 0:2 and won

The Chelyabinsk team continued their home series, in which they had previously beaten Neftekhimik (3:2) and lost to Spartak (2:3 SO). Salavat Yulaev flew in from Magnitogorsk, where they had been defeated by Metallurg (3:5). Goalkeeper Zach Fucale and the combinations of all the links changed, but it was in place Vladimir Zharkov — the match was the forward’s 700th in the KHL. Incidentally, the Ufa team’s roster also included a hero of the day: for the experienced defender Dinara Hafizullina The game was the 750th in the League.

Team Benoit Gru could have taken revenge on their opponent for the defeat two weeks ago, when Salavat won with a score of 2:1 B. And today Traktor started very powerfully: in the first few minutes, the hockey players in black uniforms created a lot of scoring chances, which included an unspent Maxim Shabanov penalty. Then, due to the protective glass damaged by a spectacular power move by Sergei Varlov, there was a short pause, which, however, did not ruin the attacking mood of the Chelyabinsk team. In the 15th minute, the hosts naturally opened the scoring with the efforts of Alexandra Kadeikinawho realized the majority. For the Traktor forward, the goal was the 100th in the KHL. Groo’s charges won the first period not only by the score, but also by most statistical indicators.

Immediately after the break, Kadeikin strengthened Chelyabinsk’s advantage by scoring twice: Salavat Yulaev’s defenders again gave their opponent too much freedom in their zone. However, the visitors also created danger and could have immediately reduced the gap on the scoreboard – Vladislav Efremov hit the post of the already empty Traktor net. After the equator of the period, there was a sharp turn in the match, caused by the hosts’ problems with discipline. The Chelyabinsk team began to grab removals, which the Ufa team realized as many as three times in a period of just over two minutes. Particularly good was Sheldon Rempalwho scored twice against Fucale, added another goal to his account Nathan Todd. He scored an assistant point Joshua Levowhose scoring streak (8+12) now totals 14 matches.

The final twenty minutes began with attacks from Traktor, but the visiting goalkeeper Alexander Samonov was reliable. In addition, he was actively assisted by field players who selflessly played in defense. Moreover, in the 47th minute, the Ufa players also scored a fourth goal – Alexander Sharovand the assist was made by the same Rempal. However, the Chelyabinsk team was definitely not going to give up: the intrigue was revived by an accurate throw Mikhail Kotlyarevskywhich reduced the gap to a minimum. At the end, the spectators saw the most spectacular hockey, but the guests held out, and the winning point was put Alexander Khmelevsky goal into an empty net. 5:3 – Salavat Yulaev beat Traktor for the second time this season.

Benoit Gru, Head coach of Traktor:
– It seemed like the game was going well until we shot ourselves in the foot with those penalties. The opponent capitalized on the power play, and the game turned 180 degrees. Of course, we tried to get back into the game, but that moment changed everything. Why did they break up the combination of Tkachev and Shabanov? I already said that if I like the play of a particular line, then I usually don’t touch it. But if, in my opinion, they have room to grow and can generate even more chances, then I try to change something. We don’t have a line that is set in stone and that nothing will change because of it. In this match, our lines looked good, we tried to combine them.

Victor Kozlovhead coach of Salavat Yulaev:
– Traktor started off strong, we expected that. We watched the previous games, this team transitioned well from defense to attack, which we had problems with in the first period. The opponent had good attacks, there was a penalty shot, and Alexander Samonov did well, he kept us in the game at the beginning of the match and at the end. In the second period, we turned the tide of the match, started playing more on the attack, earned penalties. The guys in the majority did well, they did a good job. It is difficult to play in Chelyabinsk, Traktor looks strong in front of their fans. It was not easy for us, but we must give credit to all the guys, they showed character. Extreme dedication and desire brought a positive result. Does Salavat Yulaev concede first on the road? Yes, they conceded first, but I like that the team is taking the hit, showing character and starting to play its own hockey. We have a lot of young guys who are just entering the KHL, and they are immediately thrown into the fire, into the furnace. There are also a lot of positives in the way they take a hit.

Three stars of the match

Sheldon Rempal

Scored 4 (2+2) points.

Sheldon Rempalforward for Salavat Yulaev:
– We lost in Magnitogorsk, so it was important for us to finish this trip with a win, which we did. We took advantage of our chances in the majority, and this gave us a good head start for the rest of the game. Traktor is a serious opponent. The team knows how to play well in defense, at the same time, there are guys who are capable of scoring a goal. We had two great games, and we still have to play each other this season. Am I happy with my performance in this game? It is always a joy when you contribute to your team’s victory. My linemates and I are only getting better at understanding each other, which is great. What are my impressions of the KHL? Intense hockey, and every game is a real battle. There are no easy games in this league. The teams have good fans, and you can see how much people love hockey here.

Alexander Kadeikin

He scored twice and his 100th goal in the KHL.

Alexander KadeikinTraktor forward:
– We controlled the game, created chances, took a 2:0 lead, for us it was a normal course of the game. We set a good pace, clung to the puck everywhere, quickly switched from defense to attack. That is, we did everything that we can do well. It’s just that at one point everything turned upside down because of the penalties, and the game became completely different. Did the game with unequal numbers decide the outcome of the match? I think it’s obvious. What doesn’t work for Traktor in the majority? It’s hard to say. We have a coaching staff, Raf (Raphael Richet) works all the time, constantly making adjustments. In principle, something is starting to work out. Everything worked well in the preseason. Now we’ve changed the combinations a little, we’re looking for our game. I wouldn’t say there was something terrible in the majority. We play 5 on 4, and a minute later – 3 on 4, what else can I say? Is the match against Salavat Yulaev important for me? It’s definitely not routine for me. I played a lot for this team, I have a lot of memories, I had a good path there.

Alexander A. Sharov

Scored a goal and made two assists.



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