Heat engines banned from 2035: no more polluting… unless you are mega-rich!

decision fell early Wednesday evening : European parliamentarians have come out in favor of banning private or commercial vehicles with a combustion engine from 2035. From this date, only vehicles no longer emitting greenhouse gas emissions will be allowed. A royal road for electric or hydrogen vehicles which will also mark the end of diesel and gasoline cars.

A decision that falls within the objective of the European Union to considerably limit greenhouse gas emissions by its member countries, to fight against global warming, of which CO2 is one of the main vectors. However, it is estimated that nearly 30% of CO2 emissions produced in Europe come from vehicle exhausts.

The text voted by the European Parliament was adopted by a large majority of 339 for, 249 against and 24 abstentions. “With these standards, we bring clarity for the automotive industry and stimulate innovation and investment for car manufacturers, rejoiced Dutchman Jan Huitema (Renew). In addition, it will be cheaper for consumers. to acquire and drive zero-emission vehicles”

The text, applauded yesterday, is strongly criticized today. For a provision that could almost have gone unnoticed: an amendment to the text, brought by the Italians of the ECR group will indeed allow luxury car manufacturers to continue to produce petrol or diesel cars after the 2035 deadline. , the amendment, validated by the European Parliament, indicates that manufacturers who register between 1,000 and 10,000 passenger cars per year will still be able to equip them with combustion engines until 2036. And those who build fewer than 1,000 copies annually will not be targeted by the next bans. In short: a license to pollute after 2035.

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“On combustion engines, the European Parliament refuses a 10% margin for Clio manufacturers but Ferraris will be exempted and will be able to continue on gasoline,” protests MEP Agnès Evren.

An amendment – called the Ferrari amendment – which will therefore benefit manufacturers of luxury vehicles. More at Lamborghini, Bentley or Rolls-Royce than at Ferrari since the prancing horse brand exceeded the 10,000 sales mark last year. On the other hand, manufacturers who produce between 1,000 and 10,000 cars per year will not be subject to a 55% reduction in sales of their thermal models from 2030. But from 2036.

In retrospect, the text above all constitutes a permit to pollute for the wealthiest people who will therefore still be able to buy new thermal vehicles and emit greenhouse gases after 2035.

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