Heartwarming Homecoming: 2-Year-Old Rescued Safely After Parents’ Abduction in Thermi

As confirmed by a relative of the minor, the boy is at his grandparents’ house. For the previous 24 hours he was hospitalized at the “Papageorgiou” Pediatric Surgery Clinic. The minor’s parents are still intubated in the ICU of the same hospital.

Tragedy in Thessaloniki: The 46-year-old driver who drove away parents and a child in Thermi is in custody

Earlier, the 46-year-old driver apologized and, with the agreement of the investigator and prosecutor, was remanded in custody. The accused, who was driving under the influence of alcohol, is expected to be taken to Larissa prisons.

During his confession, before the 3rd regular investigator, the accused claimed that he did not know the area and the danger of the road. He also mentioned that he was not running in the car and that he was going shopping. From the first moment he has admitted that he used to work, in a cleaning crew, until 2 am. and that at 9 in the morning while he then had lunch and drank a glass of tsipouro.

With the agreement of the investigator and the prosecutor, he was remanded in custody.

The alcohol percentage was over 0.6 as it emerged from the control.

The doctors “took” the dead fetus from the 34-year-old woman – She came on vacation and was swept away with her husband and child by a drunk driver

The woman, who was in the fifth month of pregnancy and is hospitalized in Papageorgiou, underwent surgery which was completed late in the afternoon. The surgery was deemed necessary as it had been established that the fetus she was carrying was dead and the operation was decided to terminate the pregnancy and remove the fetus from the uterus. Unfortunately, we lost the child, he didn’t live,” said the devastated father of the 34-year-old.

We remind you that the 34-year-old woman was pulled over by a drunk driver in Thessaloniki together with her 36-year-old husband and their two-year-old child. Both she and the man remain intubated, in extremely critical condition.

The 46-year-old driver who is accused of the car accident in Thermi Thessaloniki with a triple drag is facing the criminal charge of dangerous driving under the influence of alcohol and for causing bodily harm by negligence and serially.

The 46-year-old who confessed to having drunk a glass of tsipouro and who is being held until next Monday, September 16, when he will apologize before the investigator, was also involved in a hit-and-run accident in the past. According to the complaint made by the cousin of the 34-year-old mother of the two-year-old child, speaking on the Live News show, “the thing is, this particular person had done it again a long time ago, as far as we know, and they had released him and … he did it again ».

“They were walking and went to get a car, rent a car. That is, the girl came to take a vacation after a year of work, she came to take a 20-day vacation, to see her parents and so on, and people ended up almost losing their lives,” said the 34-year-old’s cousin. By the side of the couple who had come for a few days from Belgium, where they live and work, to see their relatives, are their families, who are worried about the progress of their health.

The 46-year-old accused was led to the prosecutor from the side entrance of the courts, where his mother was waiting for him, who stated that she has not yet seen her child. He added that he will request footage from cameras in order to see how the traffic accident happened.

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#Discharge #2yearold #boy #carried #parents #Thermi



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