Hearthstone gameplay: Mage Explosion duels in the preview of the expansion Murder at Castle Nathria

Expected for August 2, Hearthstone’s twenty-first expansion was presented in detail by Blizzard during a preview that took place on Thursday evening. Hours of play were possible for the members present during this preview, of which JV was a part and from which the above gameplay was taken.

During a preview party to which JV was invited, the next extension of Hearthstone Murder at Castle Nathria. The opportunity for the members present to test for six hours the 135 new cards available from August 2nd.

Among the possible new archetypes, the Skeleton Mage seems to be an easy to pick up and entertaining list. The concept is quite simple: the Mage class will play around the map Unstable Skeleton, which inflicts two damage points on a random opponent (opposing hero or opposing creature) upon death. A way to temporize while inflicting damage before ending with the legendary card Kel’Thuzad the Inevitable. The latter re-summons all allied unstable skeletons that died during the game, and explodes those that have no place on the board.

In our meeting against TheFishou (one of the best French players, despite playing more time in the mode Battlefield lately), we purposely did not kill our opponent as soon as possible: we wanted to see the activation of Kel’Thuzad.

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