Heartbreaking Incident: Zakaria Zabeidi’s Son Loses Life in IDF Operation in East Samaria

Heartbreaking Incident: Zakaria Zabeidi’s Son Loses Life in IDF Operation in East Samaria

War of Iron Swords: As part of the activities of the IDF forces in the Tubas area in the north of the Bekaa and Emekim Division, aircraft attacked, in three different attacks, five armed terrorists who posed a threat to the forces and were eliminated. According to the Palestinian reports Muhammad Zabeidi son of Zakaria Zebedi among the exterminated. The IDF attacked three times tonight using pilot aircraft terrorist squads in Tubas and Fara.

Forces of the Masada unit of the Shevas and forces of the Kafir brigade raided the Pharoah refugee camp in the Bekaa. During the operation, fire was opened on the troops and explosive charges were thrown. Air Force planes and UAVs attacked two terrorist squads and destroyed them.

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At the same time, the IDF and the Shin Bet directed a drone that hit a building where senior terrorists of the Islamic Jihad were found in northern Samaria. As mentioned, the Palestinians report five terrorists killed in air force strikes tonight. The IDF confirms that as part of a divisional operation of the Bekaa Brigade in the northern area of ​​the Bekaa, the Air Force attacked three times. The IDF has not yet disclosed how many were injured in the attack and the identity of the terrorists killed.

As I recall, Zabeidi planned and carried out attacks, including suicide attacks, operated a Palestinian terror cell in the Jenin area, had close ties with Hezbollah members and also with the radical left activist Tali Fahima.

Zakaria Muhammad Abd a-Rahman a-Zubaidi was born in 1976 in the city of Jenin to a family of 9 people. His father died of cancer shortly after his birth. Already from his youth, Zabeidi testifies to entanglements with the Israeli army forces, when he came under fire from soldiers after throwing stones at civilian vehicles. Zabeidi testifies that this injury caused him to limp to this day.

A year later, when he was only 14 years old, he was imprisoned for six months and then imprisoned again shortly after throwing a Molotov cocktail and was sentenced to 4 and a half years in prison. While serving his first sentence, he was recruited from prison into the ranks of Fatah. When he was released, he joined the Palestinian police and even worked as a builder in Tel Aviv and as a truck driver in Jenin.

Later, after his mother was killed by IDF gunfire and his brother was also killed a short time later by gunfire during Operation Protective Wall, he began engaging in terrorism. He joined the terrorist groups of Fatah and fought against the Israeli army during Protective Wall.

Demonstration for the release of abductees 3.9.24 (Photo: Liam Adib)

He decided to join, following his participation in the battle, the Al-Aqsa Brigades, which are the special arm of the Palestinian terrorist organization. Since joining, Zabeidi has been responsible for a long series of terrorist attacks, including many in the Samaria region such as shooting incidents at Israeli cars, and finally also for a suicide attack at the Likud branch in Beit Shan, in which six people were murdered.

Operation Swords of ‌Iron Wikipedia

The War of​ Iron Swords: Understanding the Conflict ⁤and its ‌Consequences

The War of Iron​ Swords, also known as⁢ Operation Iron⁣ Swords, is a recent military operation carried out by‍ the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in response to the escalating violence ​and terrorist attacks ​from Hamas ⁣and⁢ other Palestinian militant groups. The operation, which began in October 2023, has resulted in significant losses on both sides, including the deaths of over 1,600 Israelis and thousands more injured, as well as the⁢ capture of 253 hostages by Hamas [[3]].

The IDF’s‌ actions in the Tubas‍ area, in ‍the ⁤north of the Bekaa and Emekim Division, have been instrumental in ⁣counteracting⁢ the threat posed by Hamas and other terrorist organizations. In one notable operation, ⁢aircraft ⁣attacked five armed terrorists who ​posed ‌a threat to IDF forces, resulting in their elimination. Among those killed was Muhammad Zabeidi, son of Zakaria Zebedi, a notorious terrorist who had planned and carried out attacks, including‌ suicide attacks, and had ⁤close ties with Hezbollah and the radical left activist‍ Tali Fahima [[1]].

The War of Iron Swords has also seen the IDF⁢ carry ‍out raids on refugee camps, such as the Pharoah refugee camp in the Bekaa, where forces of the Masada unit of the Shevas and forces of the Kafir brigade clashed with terrorist squads. Air Force planes ‍and ​UAVs attacked and destroyed two terrorist squads, while a drone strike targeted a building where senior terrorists of the Islamic‌ Jihad⁤ were found in northern Samaria [[2]].

Egypt’s⁣ Response to⁤ the Conflict

The War of Iron Swords has also highlighted Egypt’s complex role in the conflict. According⁣ to reports, Egypt has no interest in Israel defeating‍ Hamas, and has been accused ⁢of playing a “double game” [[1]]. This has led to⁣ concerns ‌about Egypt’s commitment to maintaining regional stability and its ability to​ effectively address the root ⁣causes of​ the conflict.

Consequences of the War

The War of Iron ‌Swords has‍ had significant ⁤humanitarian and economic consequences for both ⁢Israel and the Palestinian territories. The violence has resulted ‍in the deaths of thousands of people, the displacement of many more, and significant damage to infrastructure and the economy. The conflict ⁤has also led to a ⁣significant deterioration in relations between Israel and the international community, with many countries calling for an immediate end to the violence and a return to negotiations.

the War of Iron Swords is a complex and multifaceted conflict that has significant implications for ​regional security and stability. Understanding ​the root causes of the conflict, the actions⁢ of the IDF, and the response of regional and international actors is ‌crucial for developing ⁤effective strategies to address the violence and promote a lasting peace.





Operation Swords of Iron Wikipedia

The War of Iron Swords: Understanding the Conflict and its Consequences

The War of Iron Swords, also known as Operation Iron Swords, is a recent military operation carried out by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in response to the escalating violence and terrorist attacks from Hamas and other Palestinian militant groups. The operation, which began in October 2023, has resulted in significant losses on both sides, including the deaths of over 1,600 Israelis and thousands more injured, as well as the capture of 253 hostages by Hamas .

IDF’s Actions in the Tubas Area

The IDF’s actions in the Tubas area, in the north of the Bekaa and Emekim Division, have been instrumental in counteracting the threat posed by Hamas and other terrorist organizations. In one notable operation, aircraft attacked five armed terrorists who posed a threat to IDF forces, resulting in their elimination. Among those killed was Muhammad Zabeidi, son of Zakaria Zebedi, a notorious terrorist who had planned and carried out attacks, including suicide attacks, and had close ties with Hezbollah and the radical left activist Tali Fahima .

Raids on Refugee Camps

The War of Iron Swords



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