Heartbreaking Incident: UN Aid Worker Killed in Israeli Airstrike on West Bank

Heartbreaking Incident: UN Aid Worker Killed in Israeli Airstrike on West Bank

According to UNRWA, Sufyan Jaber Abed Jawwad was shot and killed by an Israeli sniper on the roof of his own home in the Far’a refugee camp, northeast of Nablus, on Friday.

The Israeli army confirms the incident, but claims that the person killed was a terrorist who posed a threat to Israeli soldiers in the area.

– A terrorist was discovered who threw explosive charges and who posed a threat, writes army spokesperson Nadav Shoshani on X.

– It was later discovered that he was employed by UNRWA, he adds.

Bombed UN school

Since October, 220 UNRWA employees have been killed in Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, but it is unusual for the UN organization’s employees to be killed in the occupied West Bank.

On Wednesday, six UNRWA staff were killed when Israel bombed a UN-run school in Gaza where around 12,000 internally displaced Palestinians had sought refuge.

Israel drew sharp international condemnation after the attack.

Senseless killing

– Endless and senseless killing, day after day, wrote UNRWA’s head Philippe Lazzarini on X.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres called the bombing of the UN school “completely unacceptable”, as did EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell.

– The world community cannot and should not accept that the basic principles of international humanitarian law are ignored, especially when it comes to the protection of civilians, he stated.

Children and women

According to Palestinian health authorities, over 41,000 people, the majority of them children and women, have been killed in the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip in the last eleven months.

Close to 100,000 Palestinians have been wounded, and many have received injuries they will have to struggle with for the rest of their lives.

In the occupied West Bank, at least 679 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli soldiers and settlers since October last year, and thousands have been injured.

#employee #killed #Israeli #attack #West #Bank
2024-09-14 07:25:40

– What were the reactions of international leaders to the killing of⁣ Sufyan ⁢Jaber⁤ Abed Jawwad by an ⁤Israeli sniper? ⁢

Title: Israeli Sniper Kills UNRWA Employee​ Sufyan Jaber‍ Abed ⁤Jawwad ‌in West Bank ⁢Refugee Camp

Meta Description:UNRWA employee Sufyan Jaber Abed Jawwad was killed by an Israeli sniper ⁢in the Far’a‌ refugee camp⁤ in the‌ West Bank. The Israeli ​army claims he was a terrorist, but UNRWA ‍and international leaders condemn the senseless killing.

Keywords: ⁤UNRWA, ‍Sufyan Jaber Abed ‌Jawwad, Israeli sniper, West ⁣Bank, refugee camp, ⁢Far’a, Nablus,⁢ Gaza Strip, Israeli⁢ attacks, international condemnation, humanitarian law.

In a shocking incident, Sufyan Jaber Abed Jawwad, an​ employee of the United Nations ⁣Relief and Works Agency for Palestine ​Refugees in the Near ​East (UNRWA), was killed by⁤ an⁤ Israeli sniper⁢ on the roof of his own home in the Far’a⁣ refugee camp, northeast of ⁢Nablus, in the West Bank. The incident has sparked outrage and condemnation from international leaders and organizations.

Contradicting Accounts

According to UNRWA, Sufyan Jaber Abed Jawwad was shot and killed by an ⁢Israeli sniper on Friday, while he was on‍ the roof of his⁤ home. However, the Israeli army has⁣ contradicted this account, claiming that the person killed was a terrorist who⁤ posed a threat to Israeli soldiers in the ​area. Army spokesperson Nadav Shoshani wrote on X, “A terrorist ‌was discovered who threw explosive charges‌ and who posed a⁣ threat… It was later discovered that he was⁢ employed by UNRWA.”

Pattern of Violence

This incident is⁣ part of a larger pattern of violence against UNRWA employees and Palestinian civilians ⁣in the occupied territories. Since October, 220‍ UNRWA employees have been ⁤killed in Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip. While it is ⁢unusual for UNRWA employees to be killed in ⁤the occupied West Bank, the⁢ incident highlights the ongoing violence‍ and disregard for human life in the region.

Bombed UN School

Just two days before Sufyan Jaber ⁢Abed Jawwad’s killing, six‌ UNRWA staff members were killed when Israel bombed ⁤a UN-run school in Gaza, where⁤ around 12,000 internally displaced Palestinians had sought refuge. The attack drew sharp international condemnation, with⁢ UN‌ Secretary-General António Guterres⁤ calling it “completely unacceptable” ​and EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell echoing similar​ sentiments.

Senseless⁢ Killing

UNRWA’s head, Philippe Lazzarini, wrote⁣ on X, “Endless‌ and senseless killing, day after day.” ⁢The incident⁢ has highlighted the need for accountability and adherence to international humanitarian law, which is supposed to protect civilians and humanitarian workers in conflict zones. The world community cannot and should not accept ​that the ⁤basic principles of international humanitarian law are ignored, especially when it ⁤comes to the protection of civilians.

International Condemnation

The international⁤ community has repeatedly called for an end ⁢to the‌ violence and for Israel to respect its obligations under international humanitarian⁤ law. The killing of Sufyan Jaber ⁣Abed Jawwad is a tragic reminder ‍of ​the need for a peaceful and lasting resolution‌ to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


The killing‌ of​ Sufyan⁤ Jaber Abed Jawwad is a senseless tragedy that has sparked outrage and condemnation from around the world.‍ It ⁤is essential that all parties ⁢to the conflict respect international⁢ humanitarian law and protect civilians and humanitarian workers. The international community must continue to call ‍for accountability and an end to the violence, in order to bring about a peaceful and lasting resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

What are the implications of the killing of UN employee Sufyan Jaber Abed Jawwad by an Israeli sniper on international humanitarian law?

Tragedy Unfolds: UN Employee Sufyan Jaber Abed Jawwad Killed by Israeli Sniper in West Bank

The senseless killing of Sufyan Jaber Abed Jawwad, a high-ranking official of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), has sparked outrage and condemnation from international leaders and human rights organizations. According to UNRWA, Jawwad was shot and killed by an Israeli sniper on the roof of his own home in the Far’a refugee camp, northeast of Nablus, on Friday.

The Israeli army confirmed the incident, but claimed that the person killed was a terrorist who posed a threat to Israeli soldiers in the area. However, this claim has been widely disputed, with many condemning the killing as a senseless and brutal act of violence.

Bombed UN School

This tragic event comes on the heels of a devastating attack on a UN-run school in Gaza, where around 12,000 internally displaced Palestinians had sought refuge. On Wednesday, six UNRWA staff were killed when Israel bombed the school, drawing sharp international condemnation. The attack was widely condemned as “completely unacceptable” by UN Secretary-General António Guterres and EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell.

Senseless Killing

UNRWA’s head, Philippe Lazzarini, expressed his outrage and sadness at the killing of Jawwad, stating that it was an “endless and senseless killing, day after day”. The killing of Jawwad is not an isolated incident, but rather part of a larger pattern of violence and aggression against Palestinians in the occupied territories.

Children and Women

According to Palestinian health authorities, over 41,000 people, the majority of them children and women, have been killed in Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip in the last eleven months. Close to 100,000 Palestinians have been wounded, and many have received injuries they will have to struggle with for the rest of their lives. In the occupied West Bank, at least 679 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli soldiers and settlers since October last year, and thousands have been injured.

International Reactions

The killing of Jawwad has sparked widespread outrage and condemnation from international leaders and human rights organizations. The UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, called for an immediate investigation into the killing, stating that “the world community cannot and should not accept that the basic principles of international humanitarian law are ignored, especially when it comes to the protection of civilians”.

The European Union’s foreign affairs chief, Josep Borrell, also condemned the killing, stating that “the EU is deeply concerned about the ongoing violence and escalating tensions in the occupied Palestinian territory”.

Call to Action

The killing of Sufyan Jaber Abed Jawwad is a stark reminder of the need for urgent action to protect civilians in the occupied territories. The international community must come together to condemn these senseless killings and to demand an end to the violence and aggression against Palestinians.

As we mourn the loss of Jawwad and the many other innocent lives lost in this conflict, we must also demand accountability and justice for those responsible for these crimes. The world cannot continue to stand idly by as civilians are killed and injured with impunity.


The killing of Sufyan Jaber Abed Jawwad is a tragedy that underscores the need for urgent action to protect civilians in the occupied territories. The international community must come together to condemn these senseless killings and to demand an end to the violence and aggression against Palestinians. We must also demand accountability and justice for those responsible for these crimes, and work towards a peaceful and just resolution to this conflict.



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