Heart failure: when the heart gets tired

The main causes of heart failure are: in particular cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, excess cholesterol, obesity and diabetes.

The most effective preventive measures are: regular physical activity and smoking cessation.

What are the main signs?

There are 4 warning symptoms united under the acronym EPOF:

– E for Shortness of breath;

– P for weight gain;

– O for edema of the lower limbs;

– F for persistent fatigue.

These are indeed the first symptoms of heart failure which must imperatively lead to a medical consultation to make the diagnosis and put in place a therapeutic strategy (treatment and lifestyle and dietary measures). Support has recently evolved.

A deteriorated quality of life

Philippe Muller is the president of SIC, the Heart Failure Support Association. Also affected by heart failure, he evokes the difficulties of this pathology with invisible symptoms but which radically affect the quality of life of patients. “Heart failure induces strong consequences in lifestyle: carrying shopping, eating, working… Everything is turned upside down! Patients absolutely do not measure the impact of this disease on their quality of life and the many constraints that will disturb their habits, starting with a very strict diet (almost without salt) and the need to follow regular physical activity and adapted. »

Finally, Philippe Muller wants to demolish a received idea that is particularly harmful to patient health. “We still hear too often that a patient with heart failure should avoid any physical activity likely to increase the heart rate. It’s the complete opposite! Physical activity helps keep the heart muscle in better shape. There are a number of cardiac rehabilitation centers in France that allow you to follow a physical activity adapted to your illness. »

For more information :

Brochure of the Alliance du Coeur association produced with the institutional support of Boehringer Ingelheim: “My heart is worn out” Association SIC

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