Heart attack signs that should not be ignored

A heart attack, also called a heart attack, is the leading cause of death in Brazil. The Ministry of Health estimates that there are between 300,000 and 400,000 cases a year; and that every 5 or 7 of them, there is a death. To reduce the risk of death, urgent and emergency care, in the first minutes, is essential.

A heart attack happens when there is a blockage of blood flow to the heart muscle and heart tissue loses oxygen, which can lead to death. “It is important that people know how to recognize the signs, to seek help. Otherwise, because it is a serious condition, the infarction can lead to death or to a very serious chronic condition called heart failure”, warns cardiologist Fabrício da Silva, from Hospital DF Star.

High cholesterol, diabetes, smoking, obesity, family history and high blood pressure can all lead to a heart attack. Because these conditions are treatable, it’s important for people to know that their lifestyle impacts their chances of having a serious heart condition. Congenital conditions such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, in which the walls of the heart’s two lower chambers become thick and stiff, can also trigger a heart attack.


Cardiologist Fabrício da Silva highlights 10 common symptoms of a heart attack:

  1. Chest pain in squeezing or burning on the left side or in the middle of the chest;
  2. Aggravation of chest pain with physical exertion;
  3. Radiation of chest pain to neck, back, stomach and left arm;
  4. Tingling sensation -“heavy arm”;
  5. Shortness of breath that gets worse even with small efforts;
  6. Palpitation;
  7. Fainting;
  8. Pallor – white face;
  9. Cold sweat;
  10. Dizziness.

The doctor recommends that, in the presence of any of these symptoms, the individual seek medical help.

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