“Heart Attack”, Hospitalized in Intensive Care –

Anxiety for Cardinal Camillo Ruini, former president of the CEI: the prelate is hospitalized in intensive care at the Policlinico Gemelli following a heart attack he had in the late followingnoon yesterday. Sources from the Vicariate reported this to Adnkronos. Ruini, 93 years old, a key figure in the Italian Church, was president of the Italian Episcopal Conference from March 7, 1991 to the same date in 2007, a refined theologian, has been living in a wheelchair for some time but his mind has always been very clear.

He recently gave an interview to Corriere della Sera in which he reflected on life and death, on the concept of the followinglife and on hell which, he said, is populated today, “not deserted”. Ruini, in the interview, also spoke regarding the soul, saying that “it does not exhaust man. Man and woman are a combination of soul and body and without a body the soul enters another existence”. On death, Ruini observed: “More than fear, I feel regret not only for the sins committed but for the many things I might have done and did not do. I have dedicated too much time to myself and my books, even if I am heartened by the affection of many people”.

Ruini has published many books. Among his publications: ‘Truth of God and truth of man’. ‘Benedict XVI and the great questions of our time’, ‘Following Christ’, ‘John Paul II, the servant of the servants of God’, ‘Re-educating oneself to Christianity’.

#Heart #Attack #Hospitalized #Intensive #Care #Tempo
2024-07-09 10:30:35



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