Hearing aids: how to choose them correctly?

Hearing aids: how to choose them correctly?

2024-04-12 09:13:29

The number of hearing impaired people is increasing and hearing aid options are proliferating. Here are some tips for making the right choice between all the hearing aids available on the market, in order to best improve your hearing.

Hearing aids: what are the latest advances?

The manufacturers of these devices have continued to improve their products in terms of comfort, quality, design and discretion. These new products are most often accessible from class 1 products and, therefore, are painless for the wallet. However, not all of them are essential, their usefulness depends on your degree of deafness and your lifestyle.

Sound “denoising” to the nearest decibel

In the hubbub of a family meal, a restaurant or a sporting activity, speech is difficult to sort and adjustment is delicate. Hearing aids now offer several options for reducing background sound, exchange face-to-face or direct listening towards words that come from the right, from opposite, from the left. Simply select your choices on your phone’s app, which will be relayed by directional microsensors.

A motion sensor

Two discreet taps on the shell of the device are enough to trigger a phone call or a voice command on your smartphone, explains hearing care professional Brice Jantzem.

Thanks to this Bluetooth technique, we can also adjust the sound volume, with short or long clicks, with a mini-button placed on the mini earloops, like at Phonak, for example. In the near future, we will be able to activate the sensor capable of following the movement of the eyes to direct listening.

Miniature rechargeable batteries

No more hassle of having to change your batteries every 5 to 10 days on average. “ Miniaturized batteriesintegrated into in-ear devices, have 15 to 17 hours of battery life for 6 hours of charging. Enough to have peace of mind during a working day,” says Brice Jantzem. Not sufficient, however, if it continues continuously with a festive event, birthday, wedding, etc.

Also, for several months, we have been offering batteries that have more than 50 hours of autonomy, says Christophe Micheyl, doctor in cognitive psychology and psycho-acoustician, now principal researcher at Starkey.

Comfort for those who want to enjoy a weekend in complete tranquility. However, this solution is today out of basket 100% Health.

Reinforced sealing

If you forgot your devices in the shower, if you find yourself soaked in the rain, or if you sweat a lot while jogging, don’t panic! Waterproof protection is not completely new (IP68 certification), but it has gained in efficiency thanks to even more water-repellent coating.

An invisible hearing wire

Say goodbye to the plastic tube in front of the ear, even if it’s small. The electric wire, barely 1 mm long, hypoallergenic, passes directly into the ear canal, with miniature headphones.

A fall sensor

Depending on the brands and models, as soon as the person falls, the sound of the device is cut off just before its impact. Then, he raises an alert with his loved ones. “Permissible performances thanks to the gyroscope and accelerometer, which detect an abnormal signal,” explains Christophe Micheyl. Real security.

Simultaneous translation

Yes, it’s possible, just like on your smartphone! You can place an order for translate the conversationwhich will reach you directly in the ear canal. An interesting option for those who travel outside France, or who frequently meet foreigners, sometimes with very pronounced accents.

Remote consultations to facilitate device maintenance

No need to move, for certain small ergonomic adjustments, such as adding or deleting a program. However, under three conditions:

Know your hearing care professional well; Conversely, they must know you well; They must be familiar with the device you are equipped with.

Remotely, it then connects to your phonein order to carry out checks as well as adjustments: stronger, less strong, as before, etc.

There is no magic setting, however. I cannot examine the ear, nor identify if the device has a defect, nor measure the acoustics, and even less carry out audiometric tests. ‘Everything at a distance’ is an illusion. So consume wisely. Brice Jantzem

What are the different models of hearing aids?

The in-ear, the most discreet

Custom-molded, it slides completely into the ear canal. It suits for people with mild to moderate hearing loss (up to 60-70 dB loss) and on all frequencies, as well as an ear canal that is neither too narrow nor too tortuous and moderate secretion of earwax.

The + : the sound is more natural than with other types of device;The – : its handling is more delicate to place it in the ear and to change the batteries.

The “remote earpiece” contour

Also called RIC ou RITE. Son miniaturized case fits behind the ear, while its earpiece (the speaker), inserted in a tip, is placed in the ear canal; a very thin tube connects these two parts.

The + : it adapts to many situations. It is well suited to very active people;The – : it only compensates for mild to medium deafness, and affecting the treble.

The classic behind-the-ear

Il corrects severe hearing loss and offers good speech recognition.

The + : it is easy to use;The – : it is the least discreet. However, there are “mini-contours” with refined shapes, which measure less than 3 cm and weigh less than 10 grams.

How to choose the right hearing aids: 7 tips

Beware of the mirages of high-tech innovations. Selecting the right hearing aids for you requires take into account the following criteria.

Your degree of hearing loss (in the bass, treble, etc.); Your type of deafness (perception, transmission, mechanics); Your intelligibility score (distinction of words); shape of your hearing curve (plate, in pente de ski…) ;The size and the morphology of your auditory canal ;Your vue and your dexterity in the face of precise manipulations; Your degree of skill towards new technologies.
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