Healthy Weight Loss Dongji Helps Diabetics Reverse Diabetes

Healthy Weight Loss Dongji Helps Diabetics Reverse Diabetes

[Reporter Zhu Dazhi / Taitung Report]”The flesh gained from thirty years of fat has lost 50 kilograms of an adult’s weight in eight months.” Fifty-year-old Wang Wenzhong went to the doctor last November due to chronic dizziness and discomfort. The doctor said, ” The problem lies in being overweight.” Wang Wenzhong, who had tried various ways to lose weight, went to the “Healthy Weight Loss Clinic” of Taitung Christian Hospital and successfully lost weight. Dongji Health Weight Loss Clinic and nutritionists launched the “Ten-Week Healthy Weight Loss Course”. From November to July 15 last year, 46 people who participated in the course successfully lost 501 kilograms of meat.

Taitung’s high proportion of obese population Dongji’s “Healthy Weight Loss Clinic” has a professional team for individualized guidance

Chen Aihua, director of the Dongji Diabetes Care Network and physician of endocrinology and metabolism, said that following coming to Taitung last August, he found that the obesity rate in Taitung County was high, and diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular and other related diseases followed. Taking diabetes as an example, excessive fat in the body can easily lead to chronic inflammation in the whole body, which reduces the sensitivity of insulin and cannot play its normal role, resulting in “insulin resistance” and imbalance of blood sugar concentration. By solving the fat problem, “insulin resistance” can be improved. Studies have confirmed that as long as you lose 7 to 15% of your body weight with diet, exercise and medication, you can slow or reverse diabetes.

But it is not easy to lose weight on your own, and you should not be alone in losing weight. Dr. Chen Aihua opened a healthy weight loss clinic in November last year, combining a group of nutritionists, diabetes health teachers and weight loss case managers to form a healthy weight loss team and launched a “10-week healthy weight loss course”. For the diet, exercise and drug choices of those who lose weight, we adopt a tailored weight loss model, individualized online diet adjustment, and tracking weekly weight and blood sugar changes.

Lose an adult weight in 8 months, the “three high” drugs have been reduced from 8.5 to 2.5

Wang Wenzhong, who has lost 50 kilograms so far, usually likes to eat meat. In the past 30 years, he has lost weight many times and always regained weight. Taking 8.5 “three high” drugs every day, his blood pressure and blood sugar are still high, and he is dizzy. If you have any questions, go to the health weight loss clinic with the mentality of giving it a try. Only then did I know that the key to successful weight loss is diet, which accounts for seven points and exercise for three points.

Under the guidance of the healthy weight loss team, Wang Wenzhong learned to choose which foods to eat more and how to eat them, reduce the amount of rice and meat, and replace refined starches with original whole grains. Master the principles of diet, exercise every day, and upload photos of each meal to the LINE official account for weight loss. The healthy weight loss team will review and recommend the principles of choosing dishes in time. The weekly weight report will give you the best way to check your diet for the week. It’s a good time to have a better way to lose weight.

“It feels really good to lose weight.” Wang Wenzhong has dropped from 128.3kg in November last year to 78kg now. All the indexes have returned to normal, and the “three high” drugs have also increased from 8.5. reduced to 2.5. During the process, I just kept throwing meat, and I didn’t feel uncomfortable. I hope I can regain the 70 kilograms of weight when I was in my twenties when I was in the military.

The healthy weight loss team accompanies the new mother on the weight loss road to lose 37.3 kilograms

Twenty-nine-year-old Cai Nianying has been obese since the fourth grade of elementary school. After giving birth to a child, she might not regain her weight. The blood sugar measured by the doctor was actually prediabetes, and her cholesterol level was also high. In order to prevent her daughter from being laughed at by her peers when she grows up, she has a fat mother, and wants to take a family photo of Meimei, Cai Nianying went to the weight loss clinic for help. Give up the habit of fried food and one to two cups of hand shake a day, and drink plenty of water, combined with the dietary principles recommended by the healthy weight loss team, exercise one to two hours a day, and lose weight from 103 kg to 6 in seven months 15.7 kilograms, and successfully dumped 37.3 kilograms of meat.

“Someone to accompany is the key to successful weight loss, and the Dongji Health Weight Loss Team is the person who accompanies them.” Cai Nianying recalled that in the past, following all kinds of methods such as eating meal replacements and participating in heavy training were exhausted, they were always not persistent enough and failed to regain weight, but this time There is a healthy weight loss team who encourages and advises along the way. When you want to give up and your weight loss is stagnant, you can cheer up at the right time. Now you have learned the principles of diet and exercise, and you are confident that you will not lose weight.

Learn the principles of diet to enjoy “thin” for a long time

Physician Chen Aihua pointed out that the Dongji Health Weight Loss Team is indeed supporting each weight loss through companionship, and each member has an important role in each weight loss. Under normal circumstances, a nutritionist assists with personalised diet planning; a diabetes health teacher assists weight loss patients in blood sugar measurement, encourages exercise and instructs insulin injection methods; a weight loss supervisor is responsible for recording each person’s weekly weight changes, online food management, It will also remind the weight loss person to enter the first week of weight loss, how far away from the goal of 10% of the three-month weight loss.

According to Dr. Chen’s observation, the majority of people who come to the weight loss clinic are women. However, as long as men make up their minds to lose weight, the success rate is almost 100%. With the company and encouragement of a healthy weight loss team, most of the losers can achieve the goal of losing 10% of their body mass within three months. Especially for patients with diabetes and pre-diabetes, following losing weight, not only do they reduce the amount of drugs, but even reverse diabetes, they only need to be tracked regularly.

Dr. Chen reminded that in recent years, the development of “diabetes drugs” has been changing with each passing day. Many new diabetes drugs not only control blood sugar, but also have weight loss effects. It is now popular to take expensive “thin and thin injections” at one’s own expense to control appetite, but the core problem of real obesity is “eating the wrong food”. Although injections can reduce weight in a short period of time, if eating habits remain unchanged, they will still gain weight. The weight loss team of Dongji Health emphasizes the combination of diet, exercise and medicine. It is not necessary to take thin injections. If you learn the concept of healthy eating, you can still lose weight successfully.

Figure 1: The weight loss team of Dongji Health is led by Dr. Chen Aihua, director of the Diabetes Care Network, and guides diabetics to lose weight in a healthy way, so that the glycosylated hemoglobin can be less than 7%. The team members include: (from left) Wu Yunzhi, a manager of Diabetes Total Care Network, Wu Dairong, a weight loss case manager and pediatrician, Dr. Chen Aihua, and nutritionists Li Xinrong and Zhan Yuying.

Picture 2: Wang Wenzhong followed the recommendations of the Healthy Weight Loss Team to control his weight. In the past eight months, he successfully lost 50 kilograms of meat, and his waist circumference was reduced from 52 inches to 38 inches. The pants he used to wear were noticeably wider.

Figure 3: Endocrinologist and Metabolist Chen Aihua, who leads the healthy weight loss team, explained the cause of obesity to the public in the “weight loss clinic”.

Healthy Weight Loss Dongji Helps Diabetics Reverse DiabetesHealthy Weight Loss Dongji Helps Diabetics Reverse Diabetes

Healthy Weight Loss Dongji Helps Diabetics Reverse Diabetes

Healthy Weight Loss Dongji Helps Diabetics Reverse DiabetesHealthy Weight Loss Dongji Helps Diabetics Reverse Diabetes

Healthy Weight Loss Dongji Helps Diabetics Reverse Diabetes



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