Healthy start in life | Vinzenz Group Hospital Participation

2024-09-29 07:30:19

All babies should have the best possible conditions for a healthy life. The Vinzenz magazine highlights two very important factors in its current issue: the miracle food breast milk and the mandatory screening of the baby’s hips, which can prevent possible later movement problems. But that is just one of many topics reported on in the current Vinzenz Group magazine.

Hip dysplasia is a common disease of the children’s musculoskeletal system. Around two percent of all newborns are affected by this delay in maturation, which means that the head of the femur does not find enough support in the hip joint socket. The problem: “The immature hip is clinically silent, it shows no symptoms,” explains Univ. Prof. Dr. Catharina Chiari, Head of the Department of Pediatric Orthopedics and Foot Surgery at the Speising Orthopedic Hospital. The ultrasound examination, which in Austria takes place in the first week of life and again at six to eight weeks, is the only way to detect it.” The treatment is usually conservative, a bandage puts the infants in a sitting/squatting position, in which the hip joint can mature well. It is important to start therapy early. If this is missed, it will affect the function of the hip in the long term. The consequences are pain, gait disorders and ultimately a very early onset of osteoarthritis.

Breastfeeding has a great advantage for health promotion, emphasizes senior physician Dr. Steffen Bonn, specialist in pediatrics at the Parent-Child Center at St. Josef Hospital Vienna, Austria’s largest maternity hospital: “It contains nutritional building blocks and bifidus factors for digestion that are precisely tailored to the child’s needs. And she passes on the mother’s antibodies.” In order to measure the exact composition of breast milk, there is a special analyzer that is used at the St. Josef Hospital in Vienna for premature babies and those with birth defects and helps to provide these babies with the optimal nutrition by enriching breast milk individually with proteins, fat, carbohydrates or even vitamins. For the best start in life.

Successful aftercare from home

At the cardiac rehab in Bad Ischl, cardiovascular patients learn how to prevent secondary diseases with a healthy lifestyle. But continuing the tailored therapy program at home is often difficult. The new TeleReha pilot project, which is offered together with the social insurance for the self-employed, now supports continuity. Twice a week, the patients record their training on video using a tablet, which they are provided with a heart rate monitor. The treating physiotherapist reviews the exercises and provides feedback via chat if there are errors or a lack of training frequency.

From nurse to doctor

The career of Adrian Kastraoti from Innviertel shows that there is not just one straight path to becoming a doctor. In the new issue of Vinzenz magazine, the 31-year-old, who says he was just an average student, says that he initially completed training to become a qualified health and nursing assistant. It was only during this time that he realized his interest in medicine. He was now studying for the university entrance qualification test and the MedAT entrance test for medical studies at the same time and passed both straight away. “I’m really interested in medicine. This suddenly made learning easier for me. And the knowledge from nursing training was certainly helpful during my studies.” Kastraoti is currently enthusiastically completing his training as a specialist in internal medicine at the Hospital of the Sisters of Mercy Ried.

Good advice for healthy cycling

Regular cycling has several positive effects on your health. It promotes cardiovascular health and psychological well-being. Primarius Dr. explains what to pay attention to. Gerhard Vavrovsky, specialist in physical medicine at the Sacred Heart Hospital. He gives tips for speed and duration: “The maximum health effect is achieved from cycling for 30 minutes a day on the flat at 22km/h. The ideal cadence is 75 revolutions per minute.” As for the correct posture: “In the lowest position of the pedal, the knee should be almost fully extended, otherwise the saddle is too low. This is the most common mistake that leads to knee pain.” His suggestion: bike fitting. “Small positioning adjustments can often make phenomenal improvements. Cycling on a well-adapted bike never leads to musculoskeletal problems.”

Vinzenz magazin: Insights from life in the hospital

The Vinzenz Group magazine with these and many other articles appears four times a year and is aimed at people who are enthusiastic about health topics. You can download the current edition Subscribe for free or online Read as a digital edition.

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