Healthy Nutrition for Strong Hair: The Best Foods and Tips

2023-11-25 13:34:08

When we talk regarding a healthy nutritionand especially when the goal is weight loss, it is common to resort to restrictive diets, in which considerably reduces the amount of nutrients consumed, such as minerals, proteins, fats, vitamins and carbohydrates. However, despite their popularity, these can be behind a problem of hair loss or lack of hair health.

For this reason, professionals in the field of nutrition and dermatology have released a series of recommendations regarding the foods that should be consumed to promote hair growth, health and strength.

The importance of diet in hair health

The hair health is directly related to diet, since the nutrients ingested They are part of the formation of hair follicle tissues, which are the structures in which hair is born, as reflected in numerous studies that have been carried out over recent years.

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In fact, the well-known American dermatologist, Lauren Penzi, has stated that restrictive diets can be harmful to hair health, since they generate a deficiency in essential nutrients. For this reason, she believes that it is necessary to have a balanced and rich diet to promote hair growth.

There are a series of foods that cannot be missing from your daily diet, standing out above all those that are rich in protein, a basic component of hair, as well as amino acids such as L-cysteine ​​and L-lysine. While the first contributes to an improvement in the texture, elasticity and strength of the hair, promoting faster growth, the second helps the hair stay shiny and without falling out.

Thus, in order to have healthy hair, it is important to have a healthy diet that includes foods containing iron, zinc, biotin, selenium, antioxidants, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as vitamins B2, B12, C and D, plus a sufficient amount of protein and healthy fats. Likewise, all vitamins A, B, C, D and E are necessary to maintain adequate hair health.

The foods that cannot be missed for healthy and strong hair

Among the foods that should not be missing from a diet so that hair grows healthy and strong are lean meats and poultry, since they are excellent sources of protein and iron. It must be emphasized that the deficiency of the latter is directly related to hair loss. In the case of a vegetarian diet, it is necessary to focus on the intake of lentils, beans and tofu, which are good sources of zinc and protein.

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Other options to consider to promote healthy hair growth are to include avocados, oysters, nuts and seeds in your diet, since these are foods rich in zinc and other nutrients that provide many benefits to hair health. We must also mention the salmon, which is rich in omega fatty acids and proteins.

On the other hand, it is worth mentioning eggs, which provide both protein and biotin, a nutrient highly recommended by experts in dermatology and hair health, as well as whole grains, peppers, berries and citrus fruits, which thanks to their high content of vitamin C, necessary for the production of collagen, become an essential component of hair.

Finally, it is worth emphasizing the importance of drinking enough water, since it provides benefits both for the general health of the body and for the hair itself, since, in case of dehydration, hair becomes brittle and makes it more likely to break.

Recommendations for strong and healthy hair

Beyond following an adequate diet to enjoy healthy and strong hair, it is advisable to follow a series of tips to strengthen your hair, as are the following:

Brush your hair every day: You should use a brush with soft bristles and try to brush the hair when it is dry, thus preventing the strands from breaking easily.
Cut damaged ends: As the hair grows, it weakens, especially the ends. For this reason, it is necessary to cut at least the ends to maintain hair health. It is advisable to do it every 3-4 months.
Know your hair: Depending on the type of hair you have, you will have to choose the appropriate beauty products. In order to have strong and healthy hair, you must know the density (abundant, medium or thin), texture (fine or thick) and strength (elasticity, humidity and porosity) of your hair.
Rinse with warm or cool water: Whether in summer or winter, the final rinse of the hair should be done with warm or cool water, so that the cuticles close. This will achieve brighter and silkier hair.
Do not abuse the dryer or iron: It is advisable to avoid using a dryer or straightener too much to straighten your hair, as the heat from these devices dries out your hair and damages it, making it more likely to break.
Do not wash it excessively: Both the scalp and strands require several hours to dry completely, so the more times you wash your hair, the less natural oils it will have. The frequency of washing depends on the time of year and hair type, but it is not advisable to wash it every day.

#food #missing #diet #healthy #strong #hair



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