2023-12-22 05:02:36
Women die later and live longer in good health. This is the observation drawn up by the Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (Drees) in 2022 in a study on the life expectancy indicator in France with a new feature: the factor “ in good health” or “without disability”. Overall, France is well placed in Europe with a fourth position regarding healthy life expectancy “at birth” and “at age 65” for men. She even climbs to third place for women.
In general, women therefore live longer in good health than men according to these calculations for the year 2022. “Women can expect to live 11.8 years without disability and men, 10.2 years” from 65 years, notes Drees. From birth, women are more likely to reach 65.3 years without disability, compared to 63.8 years for men.
Life expectancy is restarting
Men and women combined, life expectancy in France is picking up, even if it has not returned to its levels before the health crisis caused by Covid-19. “In 2020, life expectancies fell, so life expectancies without disability stagnated,” according to the Drees, which specifies that “life expectancies without disabilities are experiencing very uneven developments.” They increased in 2021 then fell in 2022 to levels close to those of 2020, the year of the pandemic.
The organization which reports to the Ministry of Health specifies that the “without disability” indicator must nevertheless be analyzed “with caution” because it depends on declarations from the population and may, during the pandemic, have been underestimated due to more complicated collection of information.
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