Healthy eating: How to maintain it on vacation?

Six opportunities to maintain a healthy diet in the youngest on vacation.

If we talk regarding habits, the healthy nutrition It is one of the most significant for our children since it will accompany them throughout their lives and will give them the possibility of acquiring the necessary nutrients to grow, develop and be healthy.

Because of this, the healthy nutrition you don’t take vacations, they won’t grow once more in March or have to fight off viruses or bacteria only when they start school.

Six healthy opportunities to implement on vacation:

  • Make them part of weekly menu planning and meal prep without so many runs.

  • Strengthen family ties by showing them new varieties of fruits and vegetables.

  • Set a goal of consuming 5 servings of fruits or vegetables per day.

  • Play with them to guess preparations with their eyes closed or make fun shapes on the plates.

  • Move with them: playing hash or stern is a way of teaching them that exercising is something good and enjoyable.

  • Hydratarnos constantly and intelligently.

Remember that as mom, dad or caregivers we have a fundamental role in the lives of those who are “copying models”. Let’s drink water, eat fruits and vegetables, take time to move without complaining and this will have a huge impact on their lives.

Prof. Lic. Cintia Martin

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