by 10 from katy to the centerwith 25 minutes. sugarland 59to the center with 18 minutes.clear.karina: april is the month offight diabetes. andisease that affectsmillion people in theit is important to know more regardingthis disease and strategiesto counter it. uswe connect with doctor ameliaeverestde legacy community gel.thank you very much for beingwith us. I would like to startasking what causes thediabetesand how does it affect thedoctor amelia: thank youhave not me here.for having me herediabetes is a diseasethere are many riskscause diabetes. includingstuffover which we have controllike our foodand physical activity.and another regarding whichwe have control asdiabetes is a diseaseconical,it means that it lasts manymany years. lifetime.but it can be controlled.control sugar canprevent complications ofthis sickness.such as problems withand in the feet, infections, etc.karina: something importantmention isthat diabetes can affectto anyone and evenin children are recordeddiabetes amelia: true. every timewe see cases of diabetestype two emerging in ourvery young populations. thediabetesIt candevelop froma very young ageand becomeprediabetes when the body alreadygoes todiabetes by i.karina: if you already sufferdiabetes,you can reverse what wehelp prevent it?doctor amelia: there are manyforms of this control for thesugar.this includes medicationsprescribed by doctors,but also veryimportant as nutritionto avoid sugary drinkssuch asjuicessweets, soft drinkshealthy,fresh, whole foods not soprocessed.toophysical activitylet it be somethingenjoy and be socialof almost every day. yes itone can control thediabetesso that you don’t control thepatient.karina: prevention is whatbest.go out to the parks withchildren daily,involve them in the process ofpurchase of meals with fruits andvegetablesliking them is going to help