Healthy Cell Phone Habits: Ways to Improve Your Mental and Physical Well-being

2024-02-15 11:33:12

Nowadays, the constant flow of notifications and digital content can lead to constant distractions affecting your ability to focus and develop emotional self-regulation skills.

It is known that, in our daily lives, the use of mobile devices has become almost an extension of our body. But do we really know the harmful consequences that this brings to our health?
Excessive use can cause deformative physical conditions and psychological disorders such as phobias and addictions, headaches, fatigue and attention deficit. Also, postural alterations such as neck or back pain, due to having the head permanently bent forward. Increase in body weight, among many other conditions.

One of the most important reasons is that they chronically raise levels of cortisol, our body’s main stress hormone. Our phones might threaten our health and shorten our lives.

Most discussions regarding the biochemical effects of cell phones have focused on dopamine, a brain chemical that helps us create habits (and addictions). Like casino machines, cell phones and applications are explicitly designed to trigger the release of dopamine (neurotransmitter that gives the hormone of happiness, and generator of a great dependence linked to devices, drugs, etc.) with the aim of making it difficult to stop using them.

This manipulation of our dopamine systems is why many experts believe we are developing behavioral addictions with our phones. However, the effects of our cell phones on cortisol are potentially even more alarming. Cortisol is our primary fight or flight reaction hormone. Its release causes physiological changes such as sudden increases in blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar, which help us react and survive serious physical threats.

But as we know, the use of the cell phone is also, in many cases, a work tool, so we cannot do without it at all, but we can look for tools to reeducate our brain, our habits, and above all, our relationships.

Do not use with meals

It is very common to eat while looking at your cell phone. Keep an eye on him every now and then to see if you receive a call, a WhatsApp or Instagram message, comments on Facebook or more. This behavior, in addition to not enjoying the food, is a lack of respect towards the other people with whom you share the table.
So, it has to be put aside. You will discover that you can enjoy a good time with family, friends, and even your partner. To avoid looking at your phone while eating lunch or dinner, you should put it on silent and leave it away from you, so the person in question will be safe from notifications. (The New York Times).

Mute groups

It is known that any WhatsApp user has work groups, friends from university, parents from school, gym, family and that anyone loves to be informed regarding everything, but it is also known that they can be very overwhelming.
Surely there are some where they talk 24 hours a day, every day. And if it is more than one, the problems are greater. Now you just have to silence these groups and you will feel that you begin to relax instantly.

Have self control

Habits cannot be changed overnight, so it will take all your willpower and a lot of self-control to stop depending on your cell phone and start using it responsibly. But if you put your mind to it seriously, you can achieve it (Mundo Deportivo).

See it differently

Start thinking differently regarding your cell phone and relativize the importance it has in your life, learn when it is necessary and when not to use it, think that it is not really necessary for your existence.

Schedule limits

Set a time limit for using your cell phone, think regarding what hours it is really necessary to use it, such as during work hours, and limit its use to that time. If it is your main means of communication, and you have children, parents can establish exceptions so that only these contacts have volume, and you can attend to them.

A healthy coexistence

This is also peace of mind, living with technology, without losing our center, our focus, continuing to be creative, and human, looking into each other’s eyes is a habit that does us very well. Also hug. We can live with machines without becoming one.

#live #cell #phone #addiction



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