Healthy Breakfast Options for Children’s Concentration and Brain Function: Ministry of Health Recommendations

2023-09-17 22:36:00

Walid Abdel Salam wrote Monday, September 18, 2023 01:36 AM

The Ministry of Health revealed the best light breakfast for children on the school day, such as a plate of balila, a cheese sandwich, or beans with fruit.

In conjunction with the imminent start of the study season in universities and schools, and students and parents asking about foods and drinks that stimulate concentration and comprehension, the Ministry of Health presented a bulletin on the most important foods and drinks and recommended that attention be paid to the following:

1 – Eat meals that provide the student with the energy necessary to carry out various activities, help with higher academic achievement and better concentration, and make the student more alert. The most important of these is breakfast, which contains protein and carbohydrates, such as eating a cup of balila with milk and a piece of nuts, or a sandwich of cottage cheese bread with a piece. Tomatoes and cucumber pieces, or a bread sandwich with a boiled egg, or a cup of milk with breakfast cereal, which helps to feel full and improve yolk function, as eggs contain choline, which helps in brain function and strengthens memory.

2 – You must be careful to drink a sufficient amount of water, which moisturizes the body, increases concentration, and prevents headaches or dizziness caused by lack of water. Cold water also awakens sensation and increases the feeling of refreshment.

3 – Drink green tea, which contains a substance that helps in the growth and maintenance of brain cells. It also contains antioxidants that protect against infections, in addition to containing a moderate amount of caffeine that stimulates the brain and helps with concentration. You should not drink tea in excess (1 – 2 cups) and coffee (one cup a day) to prevent insomnia and increased heart rate.

4 – Eat foods and drinks that contain vitamins and nutrients that are healthy for the brain and help focus, such as foods that contain vitamin C, such as: guava and citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, and natural juices that reduce heat stress and increase hydration of the body. It is also useful to eat foods Which contain elements of iron and zinc, such as liver and seafood. Among the plant sources of iron are black honey, and leafy vegetables such as broccoli and spinach. Iron helps prevent anemia, which causes a lack of achievement and general weakness of the body, and iron works to increase concentration.

5 – Eat foods that contain Omega-3, which is very important for memory and increasing concentration, such as walnuts, flax seeds, and avocado. Fatty fish, such as salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, and tuna, are important sources of Omega-3. Fish are generally considered easy to digest and contain high protein. Biological value and an important source of phosphorus, which is beneficial for the brain.

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