Healthy Breakfast Choices: Foods to Avoid for Stable Energy Levels and Sustained Satisfaction

2023-09-25 19:25:09

Breakfast is an opportunity to stock up on energy following several hours of fasting, to stimulate your metabolism, and to last until your lunch break. But certain foods should be avoided because they promote spikes in blood sugar, and therefore cravings, and bouts of fatigue.

White sandwich bread

Made with refined white flour, sandwich bread often contains a lot of industrial additives and has a glycemic index that is too high. As a result, it quickly increases blood sugar levels, which will drop just as quickly. In other words, you will be hungry just an hour later and therefore snack before your lunch break.

Not to mention that it is quickly absorbed by the body, and that it does not provide nutrients or vitamins. In the morning, focus instead on wholemeal or cereal bread, which is a source of fiber and more filling, or on foods containing a good amount of protein, such as eggs.


When you are on your way to work and pass a bakery, it is often difficult not to be tempted to enter, attracted by the smell of pain au chocolat, warm croissants and pain aux raisins. . However, it is better not to give in, unless it is in an exceptional way.

Prepared from puff pastry, butter, milk, cream, eggs and sugar, pastries are not nutritious and contain a lot of carbohydrates, which will unbalance your blood sugar balance.

Industrial fruit juice

For many French people, orange nectars, banana nectars, and other juices made from concentrate are essential in the morning. However, these industrial beverages contain a lot of sugars and preservatives, and are quickly absorbed by the body. In the morning, the ideal is to eat a whole fruit.

Cookies and cereal

Due to lack of time, we sometimes tend to turn to biscuits or cereal bars. But once more, it’s a bad idea. These little cakes are full of fast sugars, lipids and carbohydrates, which our body does not need, and at least in such quantities.

The same goes for industrial cereals, which are often too rich in sugar. For breakfast, it is best to opt for a bowl of oatmeal, which provides a good source of energy throughout the morning, without significantly increasing or decreasing blood sugar levels.

The spread

It is also recommended to ban the spread. Rich in palm oil and saturated fat, the latter is very caloric (539 calories per 100 grams) and causes blood sugar levels to explode, thus causing intense insulin secretion.

Two slices of bread each covered with around 30g of spread represent on average 34g of sugar, well above the recommended daily dose (around 25g per day according to the WHO). Note that the magazine 60 million consumers recently tested 14 hazelnut and chocolate spreads. And the one who obtained the favors of the jury is the Poulain.

industrial jam

In addition to chocolate pastes, it is preferable to limit your consumption of industrial jams. On toast, they are good for the taste buds, but much less for your health. To enhance the taste, they are often enriched with refined sugars.

If you can’t do without your slice of bread spread with jam, try making it at home. This will allow you to adjust the sugar content. You can also replace it by adding a knob of good butter or a little honey.

Flavored yogurts

Consuming a dairy product first thing in the morning is essential to have a calcium and protein intake. But not just any one. It is recommended to opt for a glass of cow’s or vegetable milk enriched with calcium, a cottage cheese, or a yogurt.

As long as it is not flavored, and therefore too sweet. We also avoid dessert creams. In the yogurt section, focus more specifically on low-fat or Greek-style yogurts. This creamy-textured dairy product is low in fat and very nutritious.

#foods #absolutely #avoid #breakfast



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