Healthcare Crisis: The Primary Care Model in Need of Reform – Insights from Scientific Societies, Unions, and the Ministry of Health

2023-11-28 17:18:45

Scientific societies, unions, the collegiate organization and the Ministry of Health agree: the Primary Care model is in crisis, outdated. There has been consensus on this for years, including meetings and work groups, but she is still sick.

Sacyl’s recent resolution defining the hiring of non-specialized doctors for health centers, urgent care and emergencies has once once more put the serious crisis on the table. A few days ago, seven scientific societies demanded that the “irregularity” of hiring doctors who have not been trained via Mir in Family Medicine or Pediatrics not be resorted to, something that “is detrimental to the specialty and the patients” and they are studying actions legal provisions that the UGT union also announced to value and similar terms of “irregular contracts” used by collegiate organizations.

This Tuesday the CEMS also held an assembly in Segovia to analyze this issue. In it he once once more assessed the current situation as “unviable”, especially at this first level of care, and once once more criticized “that it is used as a throwing weapon” between the different political groups. This Wednesday, the Council of Official Colleges of Physicians of Castilla y León and the Cesm will convey their assessment and position to the public in a press conference.

This is a contract that has now been attempted to be regulated through a resolution but that has been put into practice for some time and that already exceeds two hundred doctors in the community and that is repeated throughout the national territory.

The Minister of Health, Alejandro Vázquez, defends the legality of hiring doctors without the specialty, an option that indicates that it is also used by the majority of health services in the face of what he considered a “serious” State problem. However, he admitted that it is not the “ideal” situation and that they have only incorporated the doctors who are “essential” to maintain the functioning of the system in some points.

He also announced that the communities governed by the Popular Party will force, with their majority of votes, the extraordinary convening of an Interterritorial Council of the National Health System monographic on the lack of doctors in some specialties, such as Family and Community Medicine, which has led autonomies such as Castilla y León to hire doctors without this specialty, according to the Ical agency.

The PP communities will force an Interterritorial Council on the lack of doctors, a “serious” State problem

At the inauguration of the Prostate Cancer Awareness Day, he recalled that this meeting had already been requested in the past from ministers Carolina Darias and José Miñones, without their request being met.

In this regard, the counselor confirmed that his department will meet with the scientific societies of Family and Community Medicine, but also Pediatrics and Health Emergencies, which have requested a meeting to clarify the hiring of professionals without the specialty, which the Board estimates at 235.


Alejandro Vázquez indicated that the community has also exhausted 100% coverage of specialized training places (Resident Intern Doctor), has launched a loyalty program and has extended the active service of doctors of retirement age.

However, the counselor recalled that they have asked the Ministry for an extraordinary MIR call with a thousand Family Medicine places, to end the cut-off mark to prevent some from being left unfilled or to modify the telematic election system. To all of this, he added, “ignorance” has been made.

#counselor #defends #legality #hiring #doctors #specialties



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