Health Tribunes – Number 2023/1 – N° 75 – Doctors and the media

Page 5 to 6: Didier Tabuteau – Editorial | Page 9 to 14: Focus | Page 17 to 24: Alexandre Wenger – Imposters or demi-gods? Physicians in Literature | Page 25 to 34: Françoise Tomé – Doctors and media expression seen through an overview of the case law of the Council of State, judge of cassation of disciplinary decisions of ordinal courts | Page 35 to 48: Hervé Maisonneuve – History of scientific journals: are learned societies still the guarantor of knowledge? | Page 49 to 57: Franck Nouchi – A brief history of the medical sections of the French press | Page 59 to 69: Gérald Kierzek – Doctors and television | Page 71 to 89: Emmanuel Touzé, Agnès Bocognano and Yann Bourgueil – Training more doctors for tomorrow? | Page 91 to 95: Patrick Pelloux and Alain Trébucq – “The uberization of our health system is the risk of a true two-speed medicine” | Page 97: Transparency on links of interest and the media.



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