Health | Trenbolone: ​​effect, cure and alternative to trenbolone acetate

Trenbolone – and particularly trenbolone acetate – is a steroid with anabolic and androgenic effects used by some athletes to increase muscle mass faster and lose fat. Originally, this product was intended for cattle, but this veterinary use has been diverted by bodybuilders and bodybuilders. Considered a doping product in the majority of countries, it is prohibited, due to very significant side effects, but some individuals manage to obtain it on the black market. We present here its effects, the type of cure, the risks and the legal alternatives.

Rappel : anabolic steroids such as trenbolone are strictly prohibited in France and in many countries, for their many serious adverse health effects. However, there is a legal and safe alternative to Trenbolone, which mimics its effects according to its manufacturer: Trenorol.

What is Trenbolone?

When we talk regarding trenbolone when talking regarding anabolic steroids, we are referring to trenbolone acetate. This is a derivative of testosterone which is said to be regarding 5 times more powerful than this natural hormone, and which is found under several trade names: Finajet, Finaplix, Parabolan, Hexabolan, etc.

It was synthesized in 1963, for veterinary use. Indeed, trenbolone makes it possible to accelerate cattle growth rate, to make them more massive. It allows a significant gain in muscle mass and a melting of superfluous fats, which quickly attracted the attention of athletes and particularly bodybuilders/bodybuildersin the 80s.

>> See the legal alternative to Trenbolone

Marketed until 1997 before being banned in France, because of major risks for the health it entails, trenbolone (or tren) is still prescribed in the United States and Canada (among others) for certain very specific pathologies.

To note : its use in breeding is also prohibited in the EU but it remains tolerated, under certain conditions, in the United States and Canada.

What are the effects of Trenbolone?

Trenbolone, like Dianabol, due to its very high anabolic power, remains popular with athletes despite the high risks it presents for the physical integrity of its users. Before developing its negative effects, let’s see how this steroid works in the body and what effects it achieves.

What actions for Trenbolone

Trenbolone is a steroid that is injected, and which by spreading in the body will cause two main actions:

  • • A action anabolisantewhich results in stimulation of muscle growth
  • • A androgenic actioncharacterized by virilization of the body

In fact, the tren allows a muscle gain and an reduction in body fatwhile providing its users with an increased dose of energy by stimulating appetite and therefore consuming additional protein.

What are its effects ?

The effects – anabolic and androgenic – of trenbolone are the same in cattle and in humans, which helps to understand why it is considered extremely potent. Its effects, for athletes, are as follows.

Accelerated weight gain

Trenbolone’s strong anabolic power allows it to promote proper development of cells and muscle fibers. A process that derives from its nitrogen retention capacity, which is an essential element for a better synthesis of absorbed proteins. During physical exertion, muscle growth will therefore be much stronger.

Appetite stimulation

This is an effect that has been observed in cattle: during the administration of trenbolone, the animals ate much more, which in combination with the other effects of the product, would accelerate the weight gain. We find this effect during the use of tren by the man, who will be able to consume more while properly assimilating nutrients required for proper muscle development.

An anti-catabolic effect

Muscle catabolism remains one of the major fears among bodybuilders and top athletes, who fear lose muscle when they eliminate fat, especially during periods of dryness. Trenbolone has an anti-catabolic action, which helps maintain lean muscle despite fat loss.

fat loss

We mentioned it above: trenbolone allows accelerate fat loss and it is therefore used by athletes who want to sculpt their body to reduce their fat mass. It accelerates the lipolysis, a process in which the body draws on stored fat to provide energy to cells, and it helps fight once morest water retention. Trenbolone is therefore considered a top fat burner.

Better cell oxygenation

Trenbolone is a steroid that improves the oxygenation of the body, by stimulating the production of red blood cells and improving blood circulation. This keeps the body running at full speed and the user does not run out of energy.


What results can you get with Trenbolone?

Just like Clenbuterol, we cannot quantify the results obtained during a cure of trenbolone, since they will depend on many factors (weight, age, morphology, type of sport, diet, etc.), this anabolic and androgenic steroid allows you to quickly:

  • • Significantly develop muscle mass
  • • Dry to obtain the visual effects sought by bodybuilders, or the body of certain practitioners of martial arts

Good to know : One of the characteristics of tren is that it does not necessarily need to be associated with other products to provide the desired effects. Some athletes still combine it with supplements to protect the liver, due to the side effects induced by taking Trenbolone.

What are the side effects of Trenbolone?

The use of trenbolone as a doping product is strictly prohibited and illegal and it is not surprising, when one consults the list of its many adverse effects.

  • A phenomenon of gynecomastiaor man boobs syndrome, because of the powerful estrogenic effects of tren
  • • A disturbance of the natural testosterone productionduring and following the cure, which can cause severe disorders ranging from a decrease in libido to erectile problems, passing through a reduction in fertility
  • • An action catabolisante increased in the event of stopping, which results in loss of muscle, muscle pain and significant fatigue
  • • A violent coughwhich often appears when taking or soon following
  • • From tachycardia and the appearance of cardiovascular problems
  • • An increase in the rate of bad cholesterolwhich also causes heart problems and can lead to heart attacks
  • • Liver damage, aggravated by prolonged intake or high dose use
  • Masculinizing effects in women, with development of body hair, change in voice, disturbance of the menstrual cycle, etc.
  • • Of the mood swings (aggressiveness, irritability, etc.) and loss of concentration
  • • Of anxiety and sleeping troubleswhich disrupt the recovery phase necessary during the practice of a high-intensity physical activity

It is found that the side effects of trenbolone are numerous and the health risk is very significant. If it is illegal, it is not by chance and its users should be aware of the serious effects it can cause, even in small doses.

What is the best Trenbolone?

Trenbolone exists in several forms and several names. His 3 shapes the most common are acetate (fast action), enanthate (longer) and the trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate quite similar to enanthate in its characteristics and effects.

For use in bodybuilding and sports, users turn to Trenbolone Acetate, considered the most effective version.

Important : We remind you that regardless of its form, trenbolone is an illegal product in Europe.


Why take Trenbolone?

Athletes who, despite the risks, turn to trenbolone, do so to accelerate the achievement of visual results (musculature, dry) and for increase their performance. They will be able to practice longer, without fear of pain following intensive training.

It is a popular anabolic steroid for cutting programs and for the process of mass gain.

See also: Our Phenq review

How to use Trenbolone?

Where some anabolic steroids are taken in the form of tablets to be swallowed, trenbolone must be injected by intramuscular route, using a syringe. It comes in the form of a liquid solution, in a bottle, and the injections must be done during a cure of 4 to 8 weeks maximum.

If the usable doses fluctuate between 100mg and 300mg (and sometimes climb up to 500 mg in some seasoned bodybuilders), you should know that the adverse effects and risks are present from the minimum dose.

Important : Due to its very high androgenic effects, the use of trenbolone has even more serious consequences in women than in men.

Where to inject Trenbolone?

Steroid injections are usually done in one of the following parts of the body:

  • • Upper part of the buttocks
  • • Point of the biceps or upper part of triceps
  • • In the shoulder (middle deltoid)
  • • On the outer side of the thigh
  • • In l’abdomen

When to take Trenbolone?

Trenbolone cures, from 4 to 8 weeks maximum, are done via 2 to 3 injections per week and a dose between 100 and 200 mg per injection.

It is a doping product which remains detectable in the urine until 4 weeks following the injection.

Important : these dosages are given for information only and in no way represent an incentive to consume this steroid.

Where to get Trenbolone?

Trenbolone is illegal and prohibited and athletes who seek to obtain it turn to the black market, with the legal risks that this entails, on the one hand, but also with the health risks induced by a composition that cannot be verified. It is extremely dangerous.

According to its manufacturer, to enjoy effects similar to trenbolone, but in a healthy and legalthere is an alternative: trenorol, brought to you by Crazy Bulk. The latter specializes in food supplements for bodybuilding and relies on compositions 100% natural for its products.


The Trenorol includes ingredients like nettle leaf (to increase metabolism), Pepsin (which promotes proper protein synthesis), or even liana from Peru for its anti-inflammatory properties which reduce post-workout pain.

It is a healthy product, no side effectwhich is a legal alternative to trenbolone for athletes who want to gain muscle mass and lose fat faster.

>> See Trenorol on the official website

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