Health through plants with Sandra

The fall cure. Autumn is making itself felt, and the drop in morale and the first cold snaps that accompany it… Your body needs a little help to adapt to the change of season. At a time when our immune system will be challenged once more, a good balance of vitamins and minerals, a healthy intestine and strong lungs are necessary. That’s good, in Chinese medicine, it’s the season for the lungs and the large intestine and it’s time to drain and strengthen these emunctory organs to allow them to function better before the arrival of winter.

You will therefore have understood, it is time to start an autumn cure! Three weeks is good timing. And since herbal tea is the simplest and most self-sufficient way to take care of your health, here is a recipe idea with plants that are easy to pick from your garden or from the wild. This mixture combines detoxification of the lungs, liver and intestine; remineralization of the body, stimulation of immunity: thyme (leaf, flowers), ribwort plantain (leaves), elderberry (flowers), rosemary (leaves, flowers), dandelion (leaves), mallow (flowers or leaves) or marshmallow or hollyhock, white broth (flowers), nettle (young leaves), blackcurrant (leaves). Interesting for everyone and in particular for people with inflamed lungs, chronic coughs, asthma, allergies as well as for tired intestines with difficult transit.

In the fall, making herbal tea can be complex if you want to use fresh plants. Especially following a drought like the one we experienced this summer. This is where we grasp the interest of drying plants during periods of plant development (spring, early summer for flowers). So you have the plants you are interested in at hand all year round.

Alternative to herbal tea, gemmotherapy. These are macerations of buds that you can buy and mix for an autumn cure: for example a mixture of rosemary (detox), birch (detox and remineralization), rosehip or hornbeam or pine (lungs) and walnut to cleanse the intestine and promote a good intestinal flora.

You can add psyllium to your diet for areas with difficult transit and nettle or spirulina to cook or powder to provide you with minerals and vitamins.

This is also the time to help your intestine restore good intestinal flora. Certain plants and foods are prebiotics (which prepare a good ground for your flora): whole grains, pulses, banana, tomato, onion, garlic, inulin (chicory, artichoke, endive). You can add probiotics to best strengthen your body: to buy, from laboratory culture or to make at home via fermented foods (lactofermentation, kefir, yogurts, etc.)

And don’t forget vitamin D for your morale and your immunity!



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