Health sector begins strike in Barinas and demands dismissal of Ulises Rojas from the ministry

Barinas.- The staff of the health sector in Barinas aspired on May 31 to collect the first part of the bonus for uniforms, which would be 650 bolívares, and when they did not receive them, they declared a permanent assembly and began Zero Hour, to claim their claims.

The coordinator of the Integrated Health and Social Security Union (Sitrasss), Víctor Nieto, assured that the stoppage measure will last as long as the national authorities take to rectify the amounts calculated by the National Budget Office (Onapre).

The sector of those affected demanded the dismissal of the head of Human Resources of the Ministry of Health, Ulises Rojas, because they consider him responsible for the refusal to pay the workers for uniforms, despite being an approved benefit and agreed to cancel at two ends of the month: May and June.



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