Health reveals the conditions for donating blood, including conducting several important analyzes

published Ministry of Health and Population The Egyptian statement, a short while ago, revealed the conditions for donating blood, according to the national campaigns carried out by the ministry from time to time, and they are as follows:

The Ministry of Health reveals the conditions for donating blood

The donor must fill out a form stating whether or not the donation can be made.

The age ranges from 18 years to 60 years.

The weight of the donor is not less than 50 kg.

As for the percentage of hemoglobin in the blood of men ranges between 13 and 18, and women between 12 to 18.

The heart rate is from 16 to 100.

The blood pressure ranges from 60/90 to 100/180.

The person donating blood does not have any chronic diseases.

The donor should not take medications that prevent his donation.

Several important analyzes must be performed within the conditions for donating blood, according to what the ministry announced, including hepatitis C and B virus tests, HIV tests, and syphilis.

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