Health reveals the appropriate age to allow children to use mobile phones .. Details

The Ministry of Health and Population revealed in an awareness publication today, the appropriate age for using mobile phones for children, and said: The first two years of a child is strictly prohibited from sitting in front of screens in general..

And the health said: In the first two years of the youngster, he should not be exposed to screens in general, whether they are mobile phones or television screens.

She noted that the maximum limit in which the child is allowed to watch screens is two hours at most throughout the day, and she advised parents to closely monitor the content that the child watches, to avoid contents that may harm him..

It is worth noting that the Ministry of Health and Population has allocated a hotline to consult psychiatrists at the General Secretariat for Mental Health 16328, and you can contact them to inquire regarding everything related to mental health for all family members..

The appropriate age for a child to use a mobile phone

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