2024-02-14 13:34:37
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Original quantitative research
Access to screens in private spaces during early adolescence and academic and social difficulties at the end of secondary school among boys and girls
Benoit Gauthier, Linda S. Pagani
Physical activity, participation in organized sports, and use of active transportation to school among Canadian adolescents by gender identity and sexual orientation
Chinchin Wang, Gregory Butler, McKenna R. J. Szczepanowski, Marisol T. Betancourt, Karen C. Roberts
Associations between negative experiences related to COVID-19 and symptoms of anxiety and depression: study based on a nationally representative Canadian sample
Sandy Rao, Gina Dimitropoulos, Jeanne VA Williams, Vandad Sharifi, Mina Fahim, Amlish Munir, Andrew GM Bulloch, Scott B. Patten
Defining the role of digital public health in the changing digital health landscape: implications for policy and practice in Canada
Geoffrey McKee, Devon Haag, Mark Gilbert
Notice of publication
Quick statistics from the Suicide Surveillance Indicator Framework (CISS) and its Data Tool, cycles 3 and 4
Gabriela Williams, Hongbo Liang
Call for papers: Strengthening evidence to inform policy and practice: natural experiments on built environments, health behaviors and chronic diseases
Other PHAC Publications
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#Health #promotion #chronic #disease #prevention #Canada #volume #February