Health professionals demand salary increase

July 8, 2022 – 4:15 PM

Personal of Health of the Nursing Services of the Maternity Provincial, Hospital Children’s Eva Peron and Hospital San Juan Bautista, met at the Maternidad 25 de Mayo to give visibility to the problem that affects them all, they assure that they joined because no one represents them and they want to organize and demand a salary increase for all.

During the demonstration, they said that the claim continues and that the points are urgent, such as the 100% salary improvement, they also asked for the night bonus since they work at night. While the payment by closed circuit is about the Intensive Care Units where the staff is permanently on par with the patients, especially in the pediatric area who need extremely special care.

They indicated that they are carrying out the formal petitions and that next week they will initiate a broader plan of struggle.

“We are professionals from the 3 institutions and we demand a salary recomposition, we are self-convened, we have no relationship with any union. There is the staff of the San Juan Bautista Hospital, Provincial Maternity and Children’s Hospital. We cannot all be here because many people are working, we are not only this group but all the nursing services. We are making the formal request, and we want a raise for everyone,” those present said loudly.

One of the nurses said she had more than 20 years of service and no raises, which worries them when they reach the age and have to retire.

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“No matter how many years of service we have, the salary is the same, the laws are not applied and we will retire with a pittance,” he said.

Finally, they said that next week they would demonstrate again until they received a favorable response.

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