health problems that manifest in the feet

In its health section, the web portal Sports world points out some of the health problems that can be suffered if you have some symptoms in the feet. It is important to consult a doctor to receive a professional diagnosis and timely treatment, if necessary.

Having cold feet on a regular basis can be a warning sign of poor circulation. This can be caused by different conditions such as diabetes, smoking, and peripheral arterial disease.

Diabetes can damage the nerves in the feet. When it has already affected the nerves and caused diabetic neuropathy, symptoms such as tingling in the hands and feet may occur.. This can cause you to lose sensation in your feet, that is, when you have a blister or step on something you don’t feel it.

“Diabetes can also decrease the amount of blood flow in the feet. If you don’t have enough blood flow to your legs or feet, it’s harder for a sore or infection to heal. Sometimes a serious nerve infection never goes away. Infection can cause gangrene”, details the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases of the United States.

When the gangrene does not improve with professional treatment, the doctor will recommend amputating a finger, foot, or part of the leg. This is done to prevent the infection that has already started from spreading throughout the body and being life-threatening.

Smoking can help cause poor circulation in the feet by causing narrowing of the blood vessels and decreasing blood flow to the feet.

For its part, peripheral arterial disease is a condition in which the leg muscles must do extra work and cannot receive enough blood and oxygen.

“Peripheral artery disease is commonly caused by ‘atherosclerosis’. This problem occurs when fatty material (plaque) builds up on and within the walls of the arteries, making them narrower. The walls of the arteries also become stiffer and cannot widen (dilate) to allow more blood flow when needed,” he explains. Medline Plus, US National Library of Medicine website.

Dry skin on the feet can be due to dehydration or a fungal infection as well. “Fungal infections, such as athlete’s foot, can cause dry, itchy, and cracked skin on the feet. Hydration is also essential to keep the skin on your feet healthy, as dry skin can be more prone to crack and become infected”Explain Sports world.

Foot pain can indicate conditions such as arthritis, gout, or plantar fasciitis. Arthritis is a disease that affects the joints and can cause pain in different parts of the body, including the feet.

“Arthritis is swelling and tenderness of one or more joints. The main symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness, which often worsen with age. The most frequent types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis”, point out the experts from Mayo Clinic, nonprofit entity dedicated to clinical practice, education, and research.

Likewise, plantar fasciitis is a disease in which the plantar fascia, which is the band of tissue that crosses the sole of the foot and connects the heel bone to the toes, becomes inflamed.

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