Health operator engages employees with gamification

2023-08-21 20:03:26

When looking for a platform that could unify internal processes and communication with its employees after the merger process, in 2022, Hapvida NotreDame Intermédica faced the challenge of engaging more than 68,000 employees. In addition to the volume, its staff has both administrative and health care professionals, which required a list of prerequisites in this search. After a few months of testing, the network found in gamification and integration a way to effectively engage its team.

Today, the company, the result of the merger between Hapvida and NotreDame Intermédica, is the largest health care provider in Brazil, according to ANS data (2023). It is currently present in all regions of Brazil and has over 16.1 million dental and health customers in Latin America.

Union for health

With the expansion of the staff, the challenge of internal management has expanded. The organization now has several health companies, in addition to integrated units spread across the country, each with its own communication channels, with its particulars and systems. With that came the need to unify everything.

Before, they had some intranets and applications, but, according to Giovânia de Alencar, Corporate Communications analyst, “That generated a lot of rework. One campaign, for example, was rolled out across all our channels. So, one of the objectives was also to unify on a single platform, so that we could spend effort on other strategic activities”.

This objective gave rise to a project to capture new options available on the market. It was essential to include interactivity, since several platforms with different interaction possibilities were needed before. It was also essential to find a platform that would allow the integration of all personnel management systems, to facilitate the employees’ journey.

In search of the platform to engage 68 thousand

The project to seek a new platform began with the Innovation team, which researched the companies available on the market that met the prerequisites determined by the needs of Hapvida NotreDame Intermédica. After finding compatible options, the testing phases began with a pilot group.

This was made up of around 5,000 segmented professionals, representing a cross-section of the entire organization, including the administrative and assistance sectors of different states. Below are some of the prerequisites evaluated during the experience period with the selected platforms:

Integration of all systems used;
Easy password reset;
Possibility of creating a corporate tab, with personalized information about the company;
White label platform, flexible for customization with the employer brand;
Allow video publications;
Allow surveys;
Interactivity with collaborators;
Access information for administrators;
Platform usage metrics;

“The possibility of interactivity was one of the things that most caught our attention”, says Giovânia Alencar, Corporate Communications analyst at Hapvida NotreDame.

After two months of testing, Beehome was chosen as it met all the prerequisites. However, there was a pause due to the moment of the merger of the companies. Again, the platform underwent a new validation period, this time with the entire Information Technology Governance, Information Security and Compliance team, as well as analysis of the criteria of the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data (LGPD).

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There was a pre-launch for the HR team, with a targeted webinar to explain the novelty. Then, in March of this year, the platform was launched for all more than 68 thousand employees, entitled Nossa Gente.

“I saw that it was very intuitive. I was able to quickly learn the ropes and provide full support for the maintenance and daily updating of the platform”, shares Jackson Araújo, Corporate Communications analyst at Hapvida NotreDame Intermédica.

The platform opened new paths for actions that were already being developed. Transforming the communication channel into an interactive and collaborative intranet, there was a change in the way of communicating through the means already used. Now, announcements sent by email, physical wall and communicators program (people who disseminate communication) lead people to the platform.

Today, Nossa Gente already has more than 33 thousand registrations. “The platform was very well accepted from the beginning, we had a great job of empowering the areas until they were responsible for their communications”, says Giovânia.

“With all employees on one platform, a release is available quickly. It is also easier for people to access”, says Jackson Araújo, analyst and Corporate Communication at Hapvida NotreDame Intermédica.

Gamification: engaging employees with autonomy

Gamification campaigns play an essential role in including all more than 68,000 employees on the platform, stimulating interest in different audiences. For this reason, it was an important prerequisite for the company during the selection process, due to the challenge of involving professionals spread across different locations and particularities.

“As we are a health company, we have many nurses, hospital care, emergency care, clinics, people who do not have access or do not spend a lot of time with the computer and cell phone. Then came this constant need to run engagement campaigns,” reports Giovânia.

Therefore, during Beehome’s first deployment phase, the focus was on integrating the entire communication part. Since the launch of Nossa Gente, gamified engagement campaigns have been carried out. The first campaign was a survey of questions about the company, in which the people with the most correct answers participated in a draw for delivery vouchers. The second was in the Easter campaign, with an “egg hunt”, in which the illustrative eggs were symbolically placed in announcements and, at the end, people had to answer where they appeared.


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