Health Network “The key to anti-aging is muscle mass. Nutritionist: Exercise and diet are indispensable- LOHAS Diet- Free Health Network

Muscle is the key to anti-aging. It can not only improve the metabolic rate and maintain a good figure, but also reduce accidents such as strains, falls, and sprains. Situational photos. (Picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]In order to make themselves look younger, many people put a lot of effort into maintaining their skin, body shape, hair volume, etc., but “muscle mass is also a key to anti-aging. A nutritionist said that muscle can not only Improving metabolic rate and maintaining a good body is also closely related to daily walking, standing and sitting, or reducing accidents such as strains, falls, and sprains. Therefore, muscle training and nutritional intake cannot be ignored.

Nutritionist Wang Zhengwei posted on Facebook fan page “Nutrition Little Master_A Can Nutritionist“Sharing, the muscles will be different due to the genes and the proportion of the parts distributed, and they are divided into “red muscles” and “white muscles”. The white muscles are mainly in charge of explosive power and determine the strength and speed of the muscles, but the endurance is poor, and they can push, pull, and lift instantly. , Fighting and running are mainly white muscles; red muscles dominate muscular endurance, use oxygen as an energy source, have anti-fatigue, maintain posture, and are good at low-intensity, long-term aerobic energy consumption, such as standing for a long time, riding a bicycle.

Mistreatment of muscles accelerates loss

Wang Zhengwei said that there are many times in people’s living habits that accelerate muscle loss, such as:

●Sedentary for a long time-This reduces activity into a vicious cycle, losing muscle mass, leading to more fatigue.

●Unbalanced diet caused by-A diet deficient in calories and protein, leading to weight loss and loss of muscle mass.

Chronic inflammation of the body –Long-term diseases such as ulcerative colitis, autoimmune diseases, etc., destroy the normal damage repair mechanism of the human body, resulting in muscle loss.

●Life and rest affect hormonal changes-Increasing age and irregular life and rest will lead to a decrease in hormone concentration and sensitivity. If there is no training and exercise, muscles will also lose a lot.

Prevention of sarcopenia nutrition uninterrupted

Wang Zhengwei pointed out that in order to maintain muscle mass, in addition to improving living habits, four kinds of nutrients should also be taken in:

high quality protein

Protein is the raw material for making muscles. To maintain muscle mass, the daily protein intake is 1-1.2 grams per kilogram of individual body weight. High-quality protein can be obtained from soy milk, meat, eggs, cheese, etc., and can be ingested 25 per meal. -30 grams of protein, can prevent sarcopenia.

Sunshine Nutrients Vitamin D

Vitamin D can increase muscle strength and reduce the risk of falling. The skin is the factory of vitamin D, which can be produced through sun exposure. If the sun is insufficient, salmon, saury, eggs, and milk are all supplementary options.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Anti-inflammatory effects of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s enhance muscle growth signals and help build muscle. Omega-3 rich foods such as salmon, walnuts, perilla seed oil, flaxseed oil.


Creatine is a naturally occurring amino acid found in foods such as beef, pork and fish that promotes muscle fiber growth and increases levels of muscle growth hormones.

Wang Zhengwei also reminded that exercise cannot only target a single muscle group function. The combination of aerobic exercise, resistance training and balance training can reverse muscle loss. The importance of the red muscle group is often overlooked. This muscle group is responsible for most of the work of daily life, including walking, standing for a long time, and climbing stairs. Aerobic exercise is very important to prevent sarcopenia.

andresistance trainingIncluding lifting weights and pulling elastic bands, the tension on the muscle fibers will generate growth signals and enhance the growth and self-repair ability of muscle cells;Physical TrainingSustained exercise that raises heart rate, including aerobic exercise and endurance training, can prevent and reverse sarcopenia, and studies have found that cycling, jogging, climbing, and walking for extended periods of time 5 days a week can increase muscle mass.

Wang Zhengwei emphasized that nutrition and exercise can effectively prevent sarcopenia. Young and slow aging, maintaining good muscle mass is the key.

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