Health Net” Chinese cabbage black spots can eat it?AFA to answer – Free Health Network

According to the Agriculture and Food Agency, sesame disease or black spot disease is a physiological disorder of cruciferous leafy vegetables. It is not harmful to human health and can be eaten with peace of mind. (file photo)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Chinese cabbage is one of the representative vegetables in winter. Can cabbage with black spots still be eaten? According to the Agriculture and Food Agency, sesame disease or black spot disease is a physiological disorder of cruciferous leafy vegetables. It is not harmful to human health and can be eaten with peace of mind.

AFA’s Facebook page “Fresh Farm YA – AFA“posted a post to share that the cold weather in winter makes the cabbage knot tight, and it is also the best time to eat. It is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, E, folic acid and other nutrients. Common dishes include stewed cabbage, buttered cabbage, pickled cabbage and many other dishes. , but also a good partner for hot pot.

The Agriculture and Food Administration pointed out that head cabbage is divided into two types: heart-wrapped cabbage and Shandong cabbage. The production season is from November to May of the following year, and the main production areas are Changhua County and Yunlin County. Wrapped cabbage tastes tender and crisp, suitable for stir-frying and stewed cabbage; Shandong cabbage has thicker fibers and is more resistant to cooking, suitable for cooking hot pot, kimchi, and sour cabbage.

The Agriculture and Food Administration explained that although Chinese cabbage belongs to the cabbage family, Chinese cabbage was not a small cabbage when it was young, because small cabbage is not head cabbage, but Chinese cabbage is, so the two are different vegetables.

Pick and Save Tips

According to the Agriculture and Food Administration, the outer leaves of fresh Chinese cabbage are slightly green. If the outer leaves are yellow and white, it means that they have been stored for a period of time. When buying a whole cabbage, check that the leaves are complete and thick, the balls are tight and not turned out, the color is bright and free from diseases and insect pests, and the weight is heavy because the water is sufficient and fresh; if you buy a half-cut cabbage, pay attention to the fact that the cabbage heart is intact and not rotten.

According to the Agriculture and Food Administration, the refrigerated storage method is the best way to keep Chinese cabbage fresh. Wrap the bottom of the Chinese cabbage with a napkin and put it in a plastic bag to seal it. It can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.

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