Health | Legionella in the water of Air-Bel in Marseille: “The latest analyzes comply with the standards” for the lessor

2023-08-25 06:01:22

“Security in general and health security in particular are our priority for all”, maintain the three donors of the Air-Bel city, representing some 1,200 housing units and 6,000 inhabitants. The tenants’ association and the association “It’s good to live in my city”, chaired by Djamila Haouche, nevertheless believe that they did not take measures quickly enough to renovate an aging hot water network and have since accused years of malfunctions: cloudy water, rust color, unstable temperature, etc. After the first case of legionnaire’s disease in 2011, no major work had been carried out on this equipment. “Studies relating to their renovation began at the end of 2015, the landlords tell us. And since

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