Health Influencers: Be Alert to Excessive Behavior

2024-09-01 04:24:00

Several health influencers are creatively popularizing the medical community on social networks. But be wary of the risks of misinformation and sometimes sectarian excess. Dr. Martin Ducret, physician and journalist doctor dailyinterested in these characters.

franceinfo: Are there many health influencers in France?

Martin Duclet : Yes, because social networks play an increasingly important role in our daily lives, and health is no exception. It manifests itself in many different forms on TikTok, Instagram, X and even YouTube, where health influencers educate, inform, test and inspire many online users, mainly young people. According to the Médiamétrie Institute, more than 70% of people aged 15-34 use social networks to obtain information every day.

Who are these health influencers?

Most of them are qualified health professionals whose primary goal is to popularize theoretical and practical knowledge. The most famous of these is physiotherapist Major Mouvement, who has 1.3 million subscribers on YouTube. There are also doctors like former Miss France, Marine Ltemporel or the media-friendly Jimmy Mohammed, who each have more than 1 million subscribers on Instagram. There are also dentists (like Doctor Never), pharmacists, nurses, and patients who share their experiences with other patients.

Are you warning us about the risks of misinformation and sectarian excesses from some influencers?

Yes, anyone can talk about health online, just create an account. As a result, we find that influencers, most of whom have no medical training, are saying things that are so far removed from current scientific data that they are even dangerous, especially in areas related to food, exercise, well-being, and even alternative medicine. For example, naturopath Mathieu Casasnovas (known as “The Raw Food Guru”) was sued in 2023 for promoting raw food and fasting on YouTube as a way to treat cancer, diabetes, and even depression. benefits, forcing followers to abandon treatment.

So, who can you trust online when it comes to health issues?

First, choose influential healthcare professionals. Even if there is no zero risk, there is less temptation for misinformation.

Then, be on the lookout for enticing offers, product placements, oversimplified advice or magic bullets.

Finally, if a medical question arises or you need answers, contact a healthcare professional directly in real life: in the office or via remote consultation.

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