Health importance of vitamin K often underestimated – healing practice

Man with heart attack is resuscitated.

Consuming vitamin K through diet has many health benefits and can protect against dangerous diseases. (Image: spkphotostock/

How important is vitamin K?

Vitamin K denotes a class of vitamins responsible for the blood clotting and the health of Bone and des heart play an important role. The nutritionist Julia Zumpano of the Cleveland Clinic (USA) explains how K vitamins affect health and which foods can provide them.

The K vitamins are grouped together because they common properties and there are many vitamins that have different subtypes but are still grouped together under one letter, Zumpano explains in one press release. include vitamin K Vitamin K1 (Phyllochinon), Vitamin K2 (menaquinone) and ten subtypes of vitamin K2.

What is the difference between vitamin K and K2?

Vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 develop different effects in the body and are found in different foods. The main difference between the two vitamins is that vitamin K2 is essential stays in the body longer than vitamin K1, which appears to be associated with additional health benefits.

According to the expert, vitamin K2 has not been given enough “credit for the work it does in the body.”

Vitamin K improves blood clotting

Vitamin K is known to be the promotes blood clotting. thereby become prevent blood clots, which travel to the brain and can trigger strokes. If blood clots form in the arteries depositthey can also contribute to the development of heart attacks.

The ability of the blood to clot is important for health. She prevents people after an injury blind. However, if the blood is too thin, this also promotes the development of bruises and dangerous internal bleeding. Vitamin K helps ensure that the blood is neither too thick nor too thin.

According to Zumpano, it remains unclear whether vitamin K1 or vitamin K2 are equally involved in blood clotting and which vitamin is more effective.

Vitamin K for healthier bones

calcium encourages healthy bones. It is the most important nutrient to prevent bone fractures and osteoporosis. Calcium works according to one Investigation not alone, but together with vitamin D and vitamin K.

Vitamin K helps break down a protein called Osteocalcin to activate. This protein is known to bind calcium during bone formation. Vitamin K is therefore an important part of bone health.

Studies have also shown that Vitamin K2 supplements in people with osteoporosis the risk of reduce bone fractures and the improve bone quality can. In some Asian countries (e.g. Japan) a form of vitamin K2 (MK-4) is already used to treat osteoporosis.

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Vitamin K good for the heart

In addition, vitamin K can calcium from the remove blood vessels. When calcium builds up in the body, it can lead to hardening of tissues, organs and blood vessels. A deposit in the arteries can lead to high blood pressure and kidney diseases lead, according to the nutritionist.

Vitamin K has been shown to help activate a protein that prevents calcium deposits in the arteries“, explained zumpano. Vitamin K is also beneficial for cardiovascular health. According to the expert, research results also indicate that vitamin K2 Elimination of calcium deposits could be more effective than vitamin K1.

In a Study was the recording of 32 micrograms of vitamin K2 about the food with a round 50 percent reduced risk of premature death heart disease caused by atherosclerosis, reports Zumpano.

Further investigations would have shown that high intake of Foods rich in vitamin K2 at Women with a lower risk of cardiovascular events like one Heart attack and stroke connected is.

Which foods contain vitamin K?

According to the expert, the intake of vitamin K1 can be increased, for example, by eating Leafy greens or blueberries increase. Vitamin K2, on the other hand, is often in animal products contained, which are not recommended for a heart-healthy diet, as well as in fermented foods and some cheeses.

Heart Healthy Foods with a very high salary an Vitamin K2 Examples include natto (fermented soy), gouda, blue cheese and egg yolk, reports Zumpano.

However, it should be noted that people who blood thinning medication take before increasing vitamin K1 or vitamin K2 intake medical advice should catch up. (as)

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