Health guarantees medical care with resupply of supplies and medicines to Guairá, Caaguazú and Misiones

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Ministry of Public Health is strengthening the response to patients, timely treatment, reducing the risk of infections and other benefits, by strengthening the health regions with batches of medicines and hospital supplies, which this week were for the health parks of Guairá, Caaguazú and Misiones.

In the IV Health Region, Guairá, supplies and medicines were delivered for the month of August, for a value of G. 4,895,400,758. In addition, medical supplies were delivered for some health programs, and resources and medicines for scheduled surgeries carried out by Promo 83.

Likewise, the Caaguazú health park received a lot corresponding to the second half of the eighth month of the year, for an investment of G. 1,358,845,720.

At the same time, a provision was made for the exclusive use of supplies for the Neurology Program for G. 85,800,950; Constitutional Protection for a value of G. 176,634,000; infarction code: for a value of G. 33,480,000 and human immunoglobulin for G. 313,978,860.

Likewise, the Misiones region reinforced its health park with medicines for the various health programs, corresponding to the first delivery in August, worth G. 4,454,991,849. They include nephrology supplies: G. 241,656,676; diabetes program: G. 242,830,000; rheumatic diseases, worth G. 333,720,000; heart attack code: G. 33,480,000; judicial protection: G. 278,481,750 and more than 12,000 liters of serum.

This region was also provided with medicines for the treatment of patients using normal human immunoglobulin, worth G. 599,939,600. In addition to medicines from the Mental Health Program, ostomates, formulas, analgesics, anti-allergy drugs and antibiotics; while losartan is on alert for reception.

These deliveries are in addition to efforts to ensure that the country’s health services have the necessary resources to respond to patients, the Ministry of Public Health reported.

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2024-08-24 20:36:10



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