Health: Controls for automating private addiction treatment facilities and registering patients on a unified system

Written by Walid Abdel Salam

Monday, July 29, 2024 09:19 AM

Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Deputy Prime Minister, instructed the Minister of Health and Population to establish a committee that will oversee the licensing system for private mental health facilities. This initiative aims to create a unified mechanism for licensing private psychological centers.

Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar mentioned in his speech during the meeting chaired by him that the committee’s responsibilities include establishing regulations for the mechanization of private facilities and registering patients within a unified system, especially in light of increased funding for psychological treatment covered by the state.

Dr. Hossam Abdel Ghaffar clarified that the Minister has tasked the formation of a committee to regulate the licensing of private mental health facilities in collaboration with the General Syndicate of Doctors, the Central Administration for Non-Governmental Therapeutic Institutions and Licensing, the National Council for Mental Health, and the private sector. This committee will ensure a consistent mechanism for licensing private mental health centers, with clear guidelines for automating private facilities and registering patients in a unified system. Additionally, it will involve the use of artificial intelligence to analyze data for both medical and educational purposes, while emphasizing the importance of maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of patient data.

Abdel Ghaffar added that the Minister has called for the establishment of specific regulations for psychological specialists, including training on the latest scientific methods. The National Council for Mental Health will be recognized as an accredited institution to provide academic training in psychotherapy for individuals seeking licenses to practice psychotherapy, apart from psychiatrists, in collaboration with the Fund for Combating and Treating Addiction and Abuse.

Abdel Ghaffar noted that the Minister was presented with a detailed report on the National Council for Mental Health’s activities from July 1, 2023, to the end of June 2024. During this period, the number of mental health facilities rose to 223, with a total capacity of 11,628 beds. Government facilities for addiction treatment accounted for 1,747 beds, while private facilities offered 4,508 beds. The Minister highlighted the need to create a plan to establish a psychological treatment center in the governorates of North Sinai and the New Valley.

Abdel Ghaffar also pointed out that the number of specialist and consultant doctors registered with the National Council for Mental Health reached 849. Additionally, there were 187 independent medical evaluation doctors in the regional councils for mental health and 70 inspection doctors. The General Administration for the Care of the Rights of the Mental Patient conducted 468 visits to mental health facilities, while the regional councils made 487 visits. The General Administration also addressed 317 complaints related to the rights of mental patients.

Abdel Ghaffar stated that an independent medical evaluation was carried out for 34,016 cases of compulsory admission to both government and private mental health facilities, supervised by the National Council for Mental Health throughout the Arab Republic of Egypt.

He further mentioned that the number of admissions to psychiatric treatment facilities totaled 55,057, which included 19,528 admissions to government facilities and 35,529 to private facilities. The total number of discharges during the same period was 51,673, with 18,564 discharges from government facilities and 33,109 from private ones.

Abdel Ghaffar continued that the results of the experimental phase of a research study on synthetic drugs were reviewed, in accordance with the Minister’s directive to conduct a field study on synthetic drugs, the emerging causes of their abuse, and their impact on various aspects of health and psychological well-being. This research study was prepared and coordinated by the General Secretariat for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment, in collaboration with the World Health Organization office in Egypt.

Written by Walid Abdel Salam

Monday, July 29, 2024 09:19 AM

New Measures in Mental Health Facilities Licensing in Egypt

In a significant move aimed at enhancing mental health care in Egypt, Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health, announced the formation of a committee to govern the licensing system for private mental health facilities. This initiative will ensure a structured and uniform approach to the licensing of private psychological centers, allowing for improved operational standards and patient care.

The Purpose and Importance of the Licensing Committee

During a recent meeting, Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar stated that the committee’s primary role is to develop controls for automating private facilities and establishing a unified system for patient registration. With the government increasing funding for psychological treatment, this initiative stands to benefit many individuals seeking mental health care.

Key Objectives of the Licensing Committee

  • Establish a unified mechanism for licensing private mental health centers.
  • Implement controls for the automation of facilities.
  • Ensure secure and efficient patient registration through a centralized system.
  • Incorporate artificial intelligence for data analysis to enhance medical and educational outcomes.
  • Guarantee the privacy and confidentiality of patient data.

Collaboration with Key Organizations

Dr. Hossam Abdel Ghaffar highlighted the collaborative effort involving key stakeholders, including:

  1. The General Syndicate of Doctors
  2. The Central Administration for Non-Governmental Therapeutic Institutions and Licensing
  3. The National Council for Mental Health
  4. Representatives from the private sector

This collaboration aims to create a standardized framework for the licensing and regulation of private mental health facilities in Egypt. The focus is on aligning the practices of these facilities with the latest scientific methods and technologies for patient care.

Training and Resources for Mental Health Specialists

A significant aspect of the new measures includes the development of specific controls and training programs for psychological specialists. These programs will be accredited by the National Council for Mental Health, ensuring that professionals receive the necessary training to practice psychotherapy in a competent and effective manner. The initiative also includes collaboration with the Fund for Combating and Treating Addiction and Abuse, aiming to enhance services in this critical area of mental health.

Report on Mental Health Facility Capacity

In a detailed presentation, Dr. Abdel Ghaffar reviewed the work of the National Council for Mental Health from July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024. The findings included:

Facility Type Number of Facilities Capacity (Beds)
Government Facilities 223 1,747
Private Facilities 223 4,508
Total Capacity 11,628

Improving Access to Psychological Treatment

The developments also include plans for establishing a psychological treatment center in underserved regions, such as North Sinai and the New Valley. These centers aim to enhance access to quality mental health care, addressing the pressing needs of these communities.

Statistics on Patient Admissions and Care

Throughout the reviewed period, the National Council for Mental Health reported significant activity in patient care:

  • Total admissions to psychiatric facilities: 55,057
  • Government facility admissions: 19,528
  • Private facility admissions: 35,529
  • Patient exits from facilities: 51,673
  • Government exits: 18,564
  • Private exits: 33,109

Focused Research on Substance Abuse

The meeting also provided insights into ongoing research concerning synthetic drugs. This research aims to assess the factors surrounding their abuse and the psychological impacts on patients, coordinated by the General Secretariat for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment in partnership with the World Health Organization’s office in Egypt. Such research is vital in formulating better treatment protocols and raising awareness about synthetic drug abuse.

Ensuring Quality and Compliance in Mental Health Care

To ensure that mental health facilities adhere to high standards of care, a comprehensive inspection and compliance process has been instituted. The General Administration for the Care of the Rights of the Mental Patient conducted:

  • 468 inspections of mental health facilities
  • 487 visits from regional councils
  • Dealt with 317 complaints related to patient rights

This rigorous monitoring framework is essential for safeguarding the rights and well-being of patients in mental health facilities across Egypt.

Moving Forward: The Path to Improved Mental Health Services

The developments in mental health facility licensing and regulation reflect a crucial step towards improving mental health services in Egypt. By enhancing training for specialists, establishing new centers, and implementing strict monitoring procedures, the Egyptian government demonstrates its commitment to providing accessible and high-quality mental health care for all citizens. The focus remains on fostering an environment where mental health care is treated with the dignity, respect, and professionalism it deserves.



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