Health check through facial temperature

2024-07-13 04:24:00

Discussion by Géraldine Zamansky, reporter for France 5 Health Magazine a china study This suggests that the heat in our faces reflects more than just a state of fever.

**franceinfo: Chinese researchers believe they will one day be able to diagnose diabetes, for example, by simply taking “**Facial temperature”?

Geraldine Zamanski: Yes, their hope is to detect disease earlier by more accurately measuring the temperature of our faces. That is to say, thermal imaging cameras are equipped at different locations.

By measuring more than 2,800 people aged 20 to 90, they identified ageing-related developments for the first time. Overall, the face becomes colder, especially around the nose. They then found that some participants had a higher thermal age than their chronological age. Main reasons: lack of sleep and poor physical condition.

As Jin Dong Jackie Han, a researcher at Peking University at the center of this massive study, explained to me, more precise examination of the results makes it possible to build a “typical portrait” of several diseases.

So, what are the thermal characteristics of diabetes?

Diabetes causes an increase in temperature in the upper part of the eye. And in conditions such as high blood pressure, the cheeks can become warm. What I quickly summarized for you actually corresponds to complex calculations performed with the help of artificial intelligence. Jin Dongcheng Long told me that the correlation of this “diagnosis” reached 80%.

The team’s hypothesis is that the thinness of facial skin, combined with the presence of numerous blood vessels – especially around the eyes – creates a kind of window into what’s going on inside the body. This is particularly exciting for Chinese doctors, whose traditional knowledge places a premium on facial examinations.

Is this good news for those who hate blood tests?

Yes, but there is additional work that needs to be done before we can hope to perform these thermal diagnostics on a regular basis. So, in the meantime, blood tests remain part of the study. In pathological cases, it confirms the presence of inflammation or other disorders, which, in short, can be reflected in body temperature.

Finally, the researchers wanted to evaluate the effects of physical activity. They asked 23 participants to jump rope 800 times a day for two weeks. Result: Five years reduced from hot age! So, taking advantage of the summer to be more active, and don’t forget to sleep better, can help “rejuvenate…”


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