Health Care: All services and medical examinations for the elderly are free of charge

Mohamed Adel, head of the Central Department of Integrated Health Care at the Ministry of Health, said that the state is interested in health care for the elderly, and we provide all services and medical examinations for the elderly completely free of charge. He added that the facility presents him with a set of analyzes and checks, and we finish all of them in one visit, and a comprehensive survey is conducted to check on his health condition.

And the head of the Central Department for Integrated Health Care added, during his interview with the “Life Today” program on Al-Hayat channel, following conducting these tests, and if we discover any disease in the elderly, he is referred to the nearest specialized hospital, and all of this is at the expense of the state, and most of the diseases that we monitor in the elderly, a rise Blood pressure, diabetes and anemia are the most common diseases among the elderly.

The head of the Central Department of Integrated Health Care pointed out that when we discover any disease in the elderly, we conduct education sessions for the facilities with him to clarify treatment programs and how to deal with it.

He pointed out that the Ministry of Health is keen to provide services to the elderly in primary health care facilities on a regular basis, to provide the service near the citizens, in coordination with the various sectors to deliver the medical service and provide the psychological support required for the elderly, not just medical.



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